
Showing posts from June, 2010

How’s your flexibility?

I have noticed something in my years of serving the Lord. That is God loves to surprise His children. Sometimes we have in our minds exactly the way we think something will happen, and while God brings about what He said, it happens a bit differently. You have to be firm in what God told you, but willing that it may not happen exactly like you think it will. 1 Corinthians 2:6 We, of course, have plenty of wisdom to pass on to you once you get your feet on firm spiritual ground, but it's not popular wisdom, the fashionable wisdom of high-priced experts that will be out-of-date in a year or so. God's wisdom is something mysterious that goes deep into the interior of his purposes. You don't find it lying around on the surface. It's not the latest message, but more like the oldest—what God determined as the way to bring out his best in us, long before we ever arrived on the scene. The experts of our day haven't a clue about what this eternal plan is. If they had, they w...

Ushering In A Season of Manifestation

Around 16 years ago God put me in a situation to minister to a particular individual. (I’m not sure if he’s one of my readers or not, I’m not mentioning names I’m just really excited about this.) I spent hours personally witnessing to this person. We spent hours on the phone, etc. I honestly can say though the friendship wasn’t one sided. He taught me a lot of things about ministering to people who had very different beliefs, and out of that friendship I have several stories. (Including one that involves me singing Kum By Yah in front of a sea of faces with black eyeliner, black lipstick, and black nail polish. LOL!) He never gave his life to the Lord really then, and was quite anti any organized religion. He never hesitated to tell me so either. Unfortunately as life happened I lost track of him over the years. There have been times in the years God would just have me pray for him. About three or four years ago we got in contact again and spoke rarely. He was still fighting giving his...

I Am My Father's Daughter!

As today is father’s day I was internally reflecting of all the good things my earthly father had taught me. I was reflecting of how it’s helped me in different ways of pursing the things of God. My father has not always been perfect, but I can take so many of the things he taught me about life and it help me in my Christian walk. My dad taught me: In Matthew 19:13-15 Jesus was being surrounded by the children. While the disciples thought it was odd Jesus welcomed that they would climb up in his lap and talk to Him. God wants those one on one times with His children. God the father loves it when his children have those sweet moments of quiet time with Him where we can crawl up in His lap. I learned this from my dad. As a little girl we would spend hours in his room talking, watching TV, or just holding hands. I’ll be 32 years old soon, and I confess one of my highlights of getting to go visit with my dad will be crawling up beside him, holding his hand and listening to him talk. I have...

Hell No! Don't Go!

Dan and I were recently watching Mary K. Baxter on Sid Roth. You can find the reruns on you tube. In short many years ago, she had a divine encounter/revelation where Jesus came and took her in to Hell for many days, and then took her into Heaven. He did it for the purpose, to warn people that there really is a Heaven and there really is a Hell. I can hear many as I type this saying to themselves ‘and you really believe she experienced this’? Yes, I do. Many of what she said is in direct correlation with specific Biblical passages. It is just like God to do something supernatural in order to warn people. I’ve heard other accounts that are very similar. This warning needs to be heeded. Folks, there really is a Heaven, and there really is a Hell. It is so easy to get caught up in this lifetime and think it’ll last forever. But time is fleeting. The days are speeding up. Your lifetime is but a moment or a whisper in eternity. You do not have the luxury to continue to put of...

Taming of the Squirrels

When I was in college at OSU there were squirrels everywhere. The problem was with those squirrels is many of them living so close to a bunch of college kids meant that they became very “tame.” They would scamper up within inches of you when you were trying to walk. They were so close I know that to some people used to pet them. They would dig through the garbage and not move no matter how close you were to them. I realize to many this didn’t and doesn’t seem like a big deal, but bottom line it doesn’t matter how tame those animals got, their still wild animals. They can turn on a dime. You can’t tame a wild animal and not realize that you’re playing with fire. Many people treat sin and demonic activity like that. They think that they can be tamed. They think that the demons that hang around and try to mess with them are harmless. They think their okay. I remember the dear late Pastor Arthur Lee once told me that they’d cast many devils out of a woman once and she came back to them a f...

The Holy Spirit is talking. . . Are you Listening?

When I was in college I went on one of the worst dates of my life. I want to preface this by saying there was something about this guy that I wasn’t at peace about. It was like a knot in my stomach, but being that I was new to campus and I was just trying to meet people, I ignored the inward warning. When he came and asked me out I ignored the “yuck” and decided that one date wouldn’t hurt. The warning signs to get out of this date were all over. When we got in the car and he began to drive to a coffee shop I remember looking at him and saying, “I just want to let you now I’m not opposed to opening this door and rolling out while the car is moving if you try anything.” What made me say that I don’t know, but the guy turned to me, laughed and said, “You’re not the first girl to tell me that.” When we arrived at the coffee shop it didn’t take us long to begin the religion debate. I guess his mother kept trying to get him to become a Catholic priest because she thought that wou...

Taking off the Lid!

Last week I prophetically gave a word to someone and the more, I thought about that word later the more that word began to stir inside of me. I do believe that word was for the individual but as a whole, it is for the church around the world. It is about the season we are stepping into. Then on Wednesday night, I was at church and God began to download something’s to me about it. I wanted to use the blog today to share. What I saw was like a box with a lid, and people were getting very frustrated that the lid was on. Then I saw the church (the people of God) coming into a season of time where the lid was coming off. This brought a gushing forth in the mighty power of God. The words “The church is coming into a season where they will be moving past old mindsets. They’ll go further then they ever thought they would, and tonight the lid is coming off!” came to me strong. I believe the church as a whole is entering into such a season of an open heaven. We’re going to see favor on t...

Keep Your Head in the Game!

On Memorial Day my dad called me and we had a good conversation. He reminded me of something I’ve heard him talk about numerous times and I couldn’t help but see the spiritual principles in what he was saying. We were talking about his tour as a grunt soldier in Vietnam and I’ve often heard him tell me that as a soldier you had to “keep your head where you are and not where you want to be.” You could loose your focus, if in combat, and you thought about your family back home. You had a job to do and you had to do it. You couldn’t allow yourself the moments of memories or what it’ll be like when you get home. If you do you can get too comfortable and your head needs to be fighting the war. As horrible as Tet Offensive was in January of 1968 my dad has always said he believed that Tet helped save his life. He’d just come back from R&R with my mom, and his head stayed in R&R. He’s always said that Tet made mentally leave the R&R and brought him back to focus on the war. As I h...

Public Statement about my Dad's POW status

Dear Readers and Friends, I felt the need to address some concerns that have been raised about my father’s POW status. While I believe this turmoil has long since simmered out and that I won’t have another issue about it again, there are still some websites out there that would seek to discredit me. There was even one gentleman who went so far to question my faith. I wanted to take a moment to address those concerns. As I do believe it’s simmered down, I also believe that I should post a public statement. By putting it on my blog it remains public. My dad was a grunt soldier in Vietnam in 1967 and 1968. He was in the 1st 28th. I grew up listening to his stories. I never knew he was captured as a POW for only a few days and escaped, until I was in college and was told this story by the only person in my family he ever confessed it to. My father will not discuss it. He is not on the official POW list because his troop was still in the field and he returned to his duty. Therefo...