
Showing posts from August, 2011

Going Amish

During our trip to my Ohio homeland, the girls, my mom, dad, grandfather and myself went to visit a small Amish store about a half and hour from my parents house. This is always a really nice change of pace for me. In this small store you can buy homemade pies, baked goods, Amish cheese, candies, and some knitted items I believe. It’s really a small building on the edge of a working Amish farm. My favorite story of visiting once happened several years ago. My husband and I asked the woman if they had a loaf of bread we could buy, and she opened up the wood burning stove and took out a freshly baked loaf with her bare hands. I had to giggle when she put it on the counter in front of us. I had a picture I took outside their barn but it would upload right on the blogger post so I grabbed another similar online. I really wanted to grab a shot of a little boy who was my youngest daughters age because the he was adorable and really caught her eye, however due to my knowledge of ...

Making Grass Angels

When we were in the North my kids got excited when the grass tickled there feet around their sandals, and I’ll confess so did I. Having grown up in the North grass to me is soft, lush and green. It’s not filled with fire ants, and it’s something that if I wanted to run out barefoot I could. My girls got so excited they began rolling in the grass making grass angels and giggling. They were joking that instead of snow angels they were making grass angels. It was a wonderful few moments of childhood where I’ll confess while I didn’t join them rolling in the grass I did take off my shoes just to feel what grass, in my mind, is supposed to feel like. The sweet refrain of innocence and childhood left it’s melodious fragrance in the air and we all enjoyed it. It’s not been comfortable for us to live so far away of what we grew up with and what we feel is comfortable. What’s comfortable to me in the last (almost 11 now) years has been replace with the difficult uncomfortable tria...


While we were up in Canada visiting family, we helped to decorate for a preschooler’s birthday party. We jumped into filling the balloons and decorating with gusto. There was a helium tank available, so we used it up thinking we’d done a good thing. Until we realized that a couple of metallic helium balloons had been purchased specifically for the helium tank, and we were now completely out of helium. Given the chaotic environment it would have been a really convenient time to start freaking out about a problem so minor. However my husband and I didn’t let it get to us. The balloons were quickly filled with a bicycle pump, and then I taped them on the banister. No one would have ever realized the mistake. We kept our task before us and kept plowing through any issues that seemed to arise. For the most part the family birthday party turned out very well. Though I’ve been joking that I have sense discovered the Canadian equivalent to water boarding torture. . .it’s hours o...

My Emotional Week

It has been a difficult week for me and I thought I would share. It is always hard on me leaving the North after I have been there for an extended period. It is mixed with emotions and difficulties of readjusting our mindsets that we are continuing to commit to be where God wants us. Then this morning both my daughters started school. That is right. I said both. My baby started kindergarten and my oldest 5th grade. Over 10 years ago when Dan and I felt that I needed to stay at home with the girls for that season of time, it was not an easy choice. I tried to come up with all the excuses why it was unrealistic, but really, we knew it was what we felt God wanted us to do. I struggled for several years with that choice. Sometimes it can feel like seasons last a lifetime and it continued to be an on again off again struggle. Sure sending my oldest to school for the first time was difficult, but this time it was harder because my youngest is my baby. This morning as I d...

Me and My Minty Fresh Feet

Yesterday my family and I returned from a long stay in the North. I have to confess that while God has moved me out of the North for this season in my life, deep down I’m a Northerner. I always love a chance to spend time with my family, run through the soft grass without fire ants, watching the rows of corn on the side of the road, and eating fresh tomatoes and basil from the garden. I totally get snowbirds, and while I don’t miss winter I could really move closer to the North. There was a problem though. This spring was very wet and the bugs were out in droves. Every time we were out in the perfect, almost zero humidity, 80 degree weather the bugs felt it was feeding time. We were constantly finding big bites we didn’t even know about. While we were in Canada a realitive suggested toothpaste was good for bites. Really it wasn’t even a conversation I was in, and I only half heard what she’d said. I didn’t want to be rude. I thought that was one of the silliest th...

Do You Feel Like Semi's Have You Trapped?

I had some time and felt to write a blog. Though I’m still taking a break and will not be consistent for a few more weeks I felt to write this. I hope it helps some out there. Last week I drove/rode across country overnight. I am not a big fan of driving for long distances especially when it‘s overnight and everyone is tired. In fact I’ve been joking with Dan we need to start believing God for a jet for the ministry. I just don’t do well in a car for long lengths. I start feeling as if I’m in a box, and I get restless. While it was my turn to drive it was as if the semi’s were playing ping pong ball with the truck I was in. That is personally a big fear moment for me when I’m between a median and a semi. I don’t know why it’s always freaked me out. I’m stuck between the two with really no where to go in case of an emergency. What is worse is when there is one behind you and one in front of you. It seems no matter where you go your stuck there driving at the speed that they...