What I hear for 2015
As people of God we all need to seek the Lord regarding the times and seasons that we live in (1 Chronicles 12:32). Often people have ‘Words of the Lord’ for the next year as it approaches. For years I’ve posted what I have felt God was telling me for the New Year. I’ve seen how God always has a way of bringing these words to pass though often not exactly how I thought He would. Many times people have fun rhyming slogans for the year. In an attempt to not conjure anything that God hasn’t given me, I don’t have some cute rhyming phrase that sounds good with 2015. Not that there is anything wrong with people who do, but I don’t this year. However, I have been receiving what I believe is a download from heaven regarding next year. I’m doing my best to prophesy the way I see it, so it may not have a pretty package, but I am excited to share it with you in this blog. ...