
Showing posts from 2016

Merry Christmas from Real Solutions

Merry Christmas from Real Solutions.... Remember God has awesome plans for your life, so get excited!  

Real Solutions Interviews the Amazing Flutist Megan McKee about her new Christmas Album

Tune into Real Solutions today as I interview the awesome Megan McKee about her new Christmas album to benefit her church.  Watch and be inspired how you can take your talents and use them for the Lord. Remember God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited.

Real Solutions Interviews The 'We Are Brave' Community

Hello :-)    I am very excited to get to release this episode of 'Real Solutions'.  This episode has me talking to a group of ladies that are empowering women to share their stories.  You will hear this open conversation about adoption and abortion.  These ladies are survivors and warrior's.  Enjoy this episode and join the movement. . .   Remember, God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!  

Our Immigration Story

              I think I probably tell this story once every few years but given all the drama in the election there were some things that were brought up, and again I found myself needing to share our story again.             I grew up in a small Ohio town in what is considered the heart of Ohio.   I don’t remember ever thinking about Canada much as a kid, nor realizing that the Southern border was 3 hours north of my childhood home.   I do remember my father going up there once on business and bring back money that looked fake and thinking how cool it was.             Many of you have heard the funny story of how I met my amazing super awesome husband.   It’s really a long story but to make it short: I was dating a different man in college at OSU, he decided to move to Pittsburgh t...

Real Solutions with Anna M. Aquino interveiws Marty Jean-Louis founder of 'My Christian Films'

Hello, Check out this exciting episode of Real Solutions where I interview Marty Jean-Louis, founder of 'My Christian Films'. Be inspired and encouraged as you hear his journey to find his destiny and see what God has done through him as he and his team impacts the film industry. Remember God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!

Real Solutions Interviews Milam Byers with Food For The Hungry

Hello Awesome People,   On today's Real Solutions I interviewed Milam Byers with Food For The Hungry.  I learned about this awesome organization when 'Third Day' came into town for a concert and I ended up volunteering to help them. Third Day tours with Food For The Hungry.  I was put on the Food For The Hungry team to help them get their children sponsored.  I started talking with the guy in charge of that part of the event and found out he was Jared Byers who was the drummer for Audio Adrenaline for a lot of years and has also been in some other well-known bands.  Milam is Jared's brother who works with Food For The Hungry directly and also has a lot of known music years behind him.   This is an amazing organization.  I feel like it was a divine appointment that I was able to meet them all.  Watch the interview and get involved.  The unique thing about 'Food For The Hungry' is that they believe in bringing life to the communities t...

From the School House to the White House

              I want to share something that’s been on my heart lately and perhaps on the eve of America’s most historical election it seems like an odd time to share it, but I feel like I need to. Ronald Reagan once said, “ Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”             Twenty years ago, give or take a few, when I was in high school/college.   It was a different world.   Sure the older folks complained about us whipper snappers, but innocence didn’t seem lost.   I remember when Ellen came out of the closet she was shunned and put off the air.   I remember I saw a drug deal once in high school.   In college (Ohio State University) I took a Human Sexuality class because it fulfilled ...

Real Solutions and VP Mike Pence's Message to the Church

Hello :-) Today for Real Solutions I reaired the election episode with Pastor JC Church.  If you haven't seen it then please check it out here. Yesterday our Pastors shared this message from Mike Pence in our church  I think many needed to hear this. For the many who have said to me they just aren't sure they can vote for Trump but know they can't vote for Hillary. . .I wanted to share that video.  I don't believe either canidate is perfect, but I do believe Trump is surrounding himself with people I can get behind.  Pence is a precious man of God who has stood up for righteousness within our government at many times.   If you are an American please make sure if you haven't early voted that you vote tomorrow.  If you are not an American then please pray for our country.  America is standing at a crossroads. Remember God has awesome plans for your life.  So yo...

Real Solutions with Anna M. Aquino and the testimony of ex-witch Annie Meadows

Hello Fabulous People! I hope you're doing awesome.  Check out today's Real Solutions with Annie Meadows.  Hear her amazing testimony from witchcraft to being an internationally known singer, songwriter, and amazing woman of God! Remember, God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!

Real Solutions with Anna M. Aquino interviews author Jannette Fuller

Good Monday Morning, Check it out!  I interviewed author Jannette Fuller for this week's Real Solutions.  Her book Transgressions released on Friday! Remember, God has awesome plans for your life.  So you get excited!  Thanks for watching!

Real Soltuions interviews Author Shawn Lamb

Check out the latest Real Solutions with author Shawn Lamb! And remember God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited! 

Check it out! Interview for An Ember In Time and Real Solutions!

Hello awesome folks! Check this out!  I was interviewed about An Ember In Time and Real Solutions in this interview, and it's already going global.  God is faithful!  Trusting in Him! God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited! Super Smiles,  Anna M. Aquino

Real Solutions Interviews Bestselling Author MaryLu Tyndall

Good Monday Morning Super Awesome Folks! I am beyond thrilled to get to send out this interview with Best Selling Author MaryLu Tyndall who is one of my hero's in writing.  The woman has many amazing books and she weaves the Supernatural power of God through them.  Watch this video and be inspired by hearing her journey! Remember God has awesome plans for your life.  So get excited! Super Smiles :-)

Fall Reading/Real Solutions Interviews Wilmer Singleton Founder of The Voice of the Kingdom Magazine

Hello :-) It's time to snuggle up into fall reading.  Check out this new book promo I did for 'An Ember In Time' If you haven't gotten a copy yet, CHECK IT OUT!  It's solidly scoring 4.5/5 stars on Amazon!   ~And~ Check out the Real Solutions episode for the day where I got to interview Wilmer Singleton who is the founder of Voice of the Kingdom Magazine! Remember God has awesome plans for your life. Get excited! Smiles :-)

Real Solutions Interviews Rosa Hopkins

Join me as I interview Rosa Hopkins ( http://www.lifeinsidethehouseontheroc... ) writer, musician, and radio show host. Be challenged and inspired as Rosa shares her amazing journey of life, marriage, freedom from the Jehovah Witness church, and finding her God given voice.   Remember God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!

Real Solutions; From the Heart of Todd White

Hello! Join Real Solutions today as we bring you a special, 'From The Heart of Todd White' episode. Be touched and blessed as he explains the Holy Spirit like only he can. If you want to learn more about Todd White, please visit his website at   ***All video clips are used with permission from Todd White's ministry**** Remember God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!