
Showing posts from July, 2017

A Marriage In Time Award and Review

  I was very honored that 'A Marriage In Time' this award and was given this review today. Remember God has awesome plans for your time.   Get excited!

A Marriage In Time Book Trailer

So very thrilled at how the new book trailer came out!  Feel free to share this to you friends, family member, pastors, mail people, and random strangers! Remember God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!  

New Review. . . and I won an award?

I am very honored that this review just came down the pike. . . and as a resuly An Ember in Time just won the award for Christian Remptive Fiction by Reality Calling.  I am very humbled and very honored. Remember God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited !

How to keep satan from winning when you disagree with another Christian?

I am so very blessed to get to share my latest Charisma article! I hope everyone is doing awesome!  Remember to keep sharing and let me know if you share my book on your sites so I can enter you in the contest for a free book (US only) I will be drawing a name on Sunday. Super Smiles,   Anna

Release Giveaway!

Hi all!  I am very excited that my 4th published book, A Marriage in Time has just released.  To add to the celebration I've decided to do a giveaway.  For every share on social media of my book using ONE of these links:!/A-Marriage-in-Time-Paperback/p/87669322!/A-Marriage-in-Time-eBook/p/87669325 You will be entered into a drawing to win a free book.  Get to sharing because I'll draw a name on Sunday 7/16! You have to make su...