
Showing posts from September, 2019

My Homeschooling Journey

            I didn’t set out to become an advocate for home education.   I seriously didn’t.   I went to a typical Mid-Western K-12 school system, and my BA is from a Big Ten University.   I remember thinking that home education was some crazy antiquated hidden part of society.   I can remember telling people that as ‘Christians we are supposed to raise our children to be able to impact the secular world and sheltering them would never do that.’   I felt home education was raising children up to collapse under the pressures of the world.   I was wrong.                   When it was time for my children to enter into the public education system, it was an uphill battle from the beginning.  Our story is a story whispered in stifled voices around Mom’s groups.  My oldest daughter was bullied for her faith by teachers, students, and adminis...