I made it rain Pepsi!

When I was growing up Pepsi used to come in glass bottles. My dad has always been a fan of Pepsi and so the glass bottles were always in an abundance in my house. The problem was my dad liked his glass full and the bottles never quite filled them up. My mom had to get these cork things to cork the left over bottles so the Pepsi wouldn’t get flat. I was a pretty curious kid and one day I had this great brainstorm. I wanted to know what would happen if I shook the Pepsi bottle up as much as I could. Heinz sight is always 20/20. I can look back on this and think why didn’t I just go outside to do this? But that would have required more thought into this experiment then I had been willing to give. In the kitchen I shook up the bottle. The cork flew off in an explosion hit the white ceiling. Pepsi began dripping all over the kitchen. “Ann, Can you bring your dad his Pepsi?” I could hear my mom call me from the living room. Drips and puddles formed at my feet. My mother’s footsteps heard. The smell of sugary soda filling the air. My mom walked in the kitchen to see her youngest daughter covered in Pepsi. Today if you look on the ceiling of the kitchen, there is a Pepsi stain.

Some of you feel like that Pepsi bottle today. There is so much talent and life in you that you feel like you’ve been shaken all over and ready to explode! Trust me, I know the feeling. But you have to keep trusting God. He knows what he put inside of you, and He knows when it’s time to get it out.

Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” So often we hear this scripture used to define our finances, but it’s so much more. You have to see what God has for your life despite your location, your talents, your money, your friends. God knows what is best for you. He put all those talents and gifts in you and he knows when and how it’s best to bring them out.

Proverbs 13:12 says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, But when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.” God knows when and how He’ll bring out your talents and giftings. Psalm 43:5 says, “Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; For I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God.”

You have to lay it all down before God, and allow God to resurrect what and when He brings to you. I can hear many of you thinking what about the parable of the talents? I am not telling you not to use them. But what I am saying is that the frustration about using them can turn into a rain cloud above you. Frustration just frustrates you and leaves you miserable. It’s hard for anyone to fulfill the calling of God on their life when their walking around with that kind of attitude.

I always tell people to figure out what they can do now. For example if God called you to run a restaurant and you know it’s not time and the finances aren’t there then what can you do now? Come up with a business plan, logo’s, marketing strategy, etc You could even take a business class or go and talk to other people who run a restaurant. Education is a powerful thing. There are things you can do now so that when it is time, you’re ready to go. What about me? God told me to write my first book 15 years ago. Did I get there overnight. . .nope? But in the meantime though I have moments of Pepsi explosion frustration what did I do? I kept writing. Today I’m working on book #8 with lots of other projects under me. I may not be where I want to be yet, or be where I know God has called me, but I’m doing everything I can to get there. I am continuing to put my writing ability that I know only comes from God to the plow.

I get frustrated at people when they complain and complain about not being able to use their giftings for the Lord. But they have to seek first the kingdom. They have to do what they can do now. But instead so many are convinced that since they see their destiny 5, 10, 15 years from now there is nothing they can do now, so they set on their bums getting frustrated, and inside their becoming like that Pepsi bottle. Their about to explode and it’s not going to be pretty when they do. Pastor Arthur always said, “God doesn’t move a parked car.” What did he mean by that. Get up and start moving, God will direct you as your moving toward the goal. But when you set there not doing anything, you’ve given up and you’re harder to move. People in Christianity are so funny. I’ve heard the excuse that “it’s not time yet.” People use it like a banner over them. But make sure that it really isn’t time, and not an excuse because like I said before even if it isn’t time there are things you can do in the meantime. Don’t use that as an excuse for you to grow stagnant.

Take a deep breath folks and let go of all that pent up Pepsi (frustration) inside of you. Begin to trust God. He gave you those abilities for a reason, and it is His delight to see those things be used for His kingdom. Get your eyes off of what you’re not doing, and out them on what you can now. Do not worship the gift, but worship the giver. Sometimes even if we don’t mean to, we can begin to build idols in our heart about what God has called us to do. We must seek HIM first, and have no other God’s before Him. Just trust Him. He knows what He is doing.



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