When I was younger I used to take gymnastic lessons. Then in high school as a cheerleader I took a lot of cheerleading gymnastic classes which is basically just floor work. The gym I used to go to had a rule. You were never allowed to say the words “I can’t.” We could not be asked to try a new stunt and respond, “I can’t do that.” We had to try no matter what. It’s funny how even in a secular atmosphere it can teach you Godly principles. Today, I have kept that rule in my house too. If my kids try to say, “I can’t do that!” My response is always Philippians 4:13 (NKJV) says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” You can, now do it! It’s funny because my oldest will quote it to my youngest now. The words “I can’t” are no no words in my house.

We limit ourselves and our abilities by our own speech. In Matthew 21:18-21 Jesus sees a fig tree that isn’t producing and He says to it that it’ll never bare fruit and the next day the disciples are shocked the tree has withered up. The world was formed according to Genesis 1:1 because God spoke and it was formed. People you need to realize that your words and your speech are powerful! Your words need to line up with what God is saying.

Many of you have heard me tell the story about how I finally started to write my first book. For those of you who haven’t heard it I thought this would be the perfect time to repeat it. At age16 God laid it on my heart to write it. I tried to at first, but the task seemed insurmountable. It was if I was the size of an ant and I stood at the base of a huge monument and was told to climb it. I tried to start it, but quickly it fizzled out. I realized that I didn’t have the knowledge to do it then, so I put it on the backburner of my life. I figured I’d start gathering my dad’s stories and when I went to college I took many creative writing classes to help me work on it. But then I graduated and the words still weren’t coming. Frustration began to wall me up on the inside. I started saying to myself and out loud, “I know I’m supposed to write this, but I can’t. It’s just not coming forth.” In 2000, Dan and I moved to FL by the leading of God’s will for our lives. We arrived in FL on a Tuesday and that Wednesday we were at Freedom, the church we’ve attended ever since. Within weeks one of the then pastors preached a message on the power of spoken words. Then by the Holy Spirit, she said, “There are several of you in here that have been speaking against what you know God has called you to do, and that is why your frustrated. You are cursing the very thing that God has anointed you for.” I knew I was one of those people. I knew I had said time and time again, “God did you get the wrong person because I can’t do this?” So I went before the platform and repented for my words. Dan and I drove home that night. In the car, I knew exactly how to start my first book. It hung tangible in the air. I started to write the moment we got home, and within two months the rough draft was completed.

I tell that story often, to say this. What is it that God has told you to do in your life that you feel like that little ant next to a monument? Are you embracing that thing or are you looking at it saying “I can’t.” I’m here today to tell you “YOU CAN!” You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. If God has laid it on your heart, If you know that you know you are being called to do something then He sees the giftings and talents He has placed inside of you. You can. You can move forward in this thing. You can stop speaking against the will and purpose of God for your life. You can repent for doubting, and God can restore you right to where you need to go. YOU CAN! You Can move mountains by the power of your words according to Mark 11:23.

Jeremiah 1:5 says“ Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

He knows you. He formed you in your mothers’ womb. He has plans and purposes for your life you have yet to tap into. Trust He knows you better than you know yourself. YOU CAN DO IT! It’s not you anyway, it’s Him on the inside of you. Trust that He can do it through you!


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