What are the Wooden Indian's in your life?

On special occasions while I was growing up my family would congregate at the Branding Iron in Delaware Ohio. It was a small town steak restaurant where I could get a Shirley Temple and drink it out of a glass boot. I remember going there as a little girl and being terrified of this big wooden Indian statue that was in the restaurant. They’d moved it several times over the years but somehow I’d find that Indian. It seemed humongous as a child. It was dark and foreboding and it scared me more than I let on. I remember feeling like an ant next to it, and every time we’d go I’d manage to place myself furthest from it as possible.

That restaurant closed its doors sometime in the late 90’s and before it did my grandmother insisted that we all go there one last time. Then I was a young adult and I looked for my Indian. When I finally found it standing by the entrance I had to laugh. Somehow it wasn’t nearly as big as I remembered it. By this time while it was still taller than me, it wasn’t by much. It didn’t seem nearly as scary to me as an adult.

Our brain often times plays tricks on ourselves if we let it. We can turn things into huge ordeals and really the issue isn’t that big at all. The devil realizes this about humans and that’s why his only real weapon is deceiving the saints to believe he’s bigger than he really is.

Jesus says in Luke 10:18, “And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.”

The fate of the devil is pretty clear. If you read Revelations or the Bible at all it’s obvious that the devil is fighting a loosing battle. We’re part of this fight between God and the devil. The devil is ticked at God so he tries to get at us because he knows we’re God’s beloved. He’s loosing and he’s trying to take whoever he can with him. The way he’ll get at you is through deception. You have the power and authority against him through the blood of Jesus Christ, but the devil will try to lie to you and tell you that you don’t.

Luke 21:8, 1Chorinthians 6:9, 1 Corinthians 15:33, and Galatians 6:7 all warn of not being deceived.

Do not allow the devil to mess with your head. It’s just like me with that wooden Indian. Are you making things to be bigger than they really are? I assure you that if you are in Christ Jesus you have the authority! In Luke 9:1 among other places Jesus gave his disciples the authority. You’re one of his disciples then this belongs to you too. Do not be deceived. The Wooden Indians in your life aren’t as big as you think. Do not fear. Pick up the authority that God has given to you, and speak the word of God over the situation. You’ll find that the issue wasn’t as big as you thought. God has great plans for your life, and in Jesus name you’ll see that it won’t be long until you fulfill them.


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