Are you swimming with ankle weights?

I have heard over and over again on the prophetic wave of what is going on among the church in these days is that “these are days of change.” It is beyond just something I have heard for my own life, but prophetic voice after prophetic voice has confirmed it throughout the body of Christ as a whole. I began to think about this, this morning and it was as if I felt many including myself at times are swimming into the things of God. We’re going past the ankle deep waters, past the knee deep, we’re going past the waist deep waters (Similar to the vision in Ezekiel 47), but wait a minute we’re wearing ankle weights or things of our past that‘s weighting us down. How are we supposed to swim? It is time to take of the ankle weights and swim.

Why do we hold onto “weights” or things of the old like sacred objects? I think that sometimes it is because we lie to ourselves thinking that by holding onto the past we are maintaining some kind of control. The root of all of that is fear. If we let go we will have to totally trust God, and that can be stepping into the unknown. If you really have a revelation of who God is you should know by now you can trust Him.

Philippians 3:12-14 (NIV) says, “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

In order to press on, you also have to let go. You have to forget what is behind. Most of the time when we hear the word ‘forget’ we think to ourselves how am I supposed to do that? I cannot remember what happened? My brain just will not forget that event or time, and it can start a huge cycle of self-condemnation. I was just looking up the definition of forget, and I found it interesting that some alternated definitions were, leave something behind, and stop worrying about something. I have often said that while you may not forget the event, you can forget the emotions like a tidal wave that surrounded them.

Holding onto worry and anxiety is not trusting God. Read Matthew 6!
Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

When my husband and I lived in Pittsburgh, PA, we went to this precious Missionary Alliance Church in downtown Pittsburgh. This is a ministry that is bursting at the seams of their building and when we left were having several services each Sunday. In the few months, I lived in Pittsburgh I remember one Sunday Pastor Rock said something that has forever stayed with me. He boldly declared, “Worrying is just a form of atheism. You don’t believe your God is big enough to do what He said He would do.”

In order for us to fully begin to swim in this change that God is leading us into we have to take off the ankle weights. We have to trust God in what He is doing. We have to make a choice to walk away from our pasts and embrace the new. I know that can get scary. I used to use ankle weights to work out and after a time you tend to forget that their even there. You are so used to being weighed down that you do not remember what it is like to be free of them.

Be free from them in Jesus name. Let God removed the worries and the cares. Let God remove the weights of both good and bad memories. Memories are not always a bad thing, but you cannot hold onto them like a life raft and think you will swim to the places you need to swim. You have to let go now, and trust God that He is with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He thoughts over you are good, and He has awesome things for you in this season of your life. Choose to let the weights go, and I know it will be worth it. God is excited about your future. Get excited with Him.


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