Moving from Sustaining to Obtaining

Last week while in prayer I felt the Lord say to me “It’s time to move from sustaining to obtaining.” That day some things happened in my life, and as things are made final I’ll share more. But I began to think about this term and have decided today would be a good day to share my thoughts.

Many of you have heard me say time and time again that I’ve heard prophetic voice after prophetic voice say that these are days of change and new beginnings. I believe that this is the time and season we’re in as a church whole.

While the Israelites were in captivity they spent generations believing that one day they would be freed. When Moses showed up and the plagues began they had to have known that change was soon coming. God was doing miracles, signs and wonders in their midst and they knew this time things were going to be different.

Simeon and Anna (I’ve always been a little partial to faithful Anna Luke 2:21-39) waited at the temple every day they were growing older and older. They believed that that God had spoken to them that they would live to see the Messiah. They had to keep trusting God every day that God had really spoken to them, until the day came that the Messiah literally showed up before them.

Joseph in the Old Testament sat in prison for three years falsely accused and he had to wait, until one day his divine appointment happened and he was moved from being in the pit of prison as the second in command to the palace.

Abraham and Sarah thought that them having this promised baby in their old age was impossible but eventually they held the promise of God.

I could go on and on listing the characters in the Bible that had to go through a process and then one day their suddenly happened and they were able to see the hand of God the entire time. Go read Hebrews 11.

It’s time to go from sustaining to obtaining. Many of you are thinking in your head, “Well it hasn’t happened yet. How can I get excited over what hasn’t manifested?” You have to see yourself on the other side of this thing before you will ever physically be there. You might feel like your in a pit like Joseph but remember God loves suddenlies. See yourself in that palace. Every day might be the same thing day in and day out like Simeon and Anna, but you have to believe that one day you’ll hold the promise of God!

Someone recently reminded me that as runners train they always learn to visualize themselves crossing the finished line. You have to see yourself moving from sustaining to obtaining.

Matthew 14:29-31 (The Message)He said, "Come ahead." Jumping out of the boat, Peter walked on the water to Jesus. But when he looked down at the waves churning beneath his feet, he lost his nerve and started to sink. He cried, "Master, save me!" Jesus didn't hesitate. He reached down and grabbed his hand. Then he said, "Faint-heart, what got into you?"

You have to stop believing the circumstances over what God has spoken. Stop looking at the waves around you and fix your focus on Jesus. Fix your focus on what He said. Fix your focus on God. It’s time to move from the sustaining to the obtaining! God doesn’t lie! He’ll bring you to the other side, but you can’t give up! You have to keep pushing through and see yourself on the other side. 


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