Supernatrual Stranger Blessing

I love sharing the story I get to share with you today. It’s got to be one of my favorite ones of God’s provision that’s happened to me over the years. I really felt that this was the day to share it in this blog format.

About 6 or 7 years ago Dan and were in a meeting where they were asking for a special offering. Now I am all for giving to the house of God. I know it takes money for ministry. I 150% believe in tithing. It works. But this offering was for above and beyond. It was a special missions offering. Dan and I had very little extra. I do want to preface this story with just make sure when you do these things you know its God and not your own flesh. Because I’ve seen people get a bit loopy in this area.

We were setting in church and Dan leaned into me and whispered, “We’re supposed to give X amount.” Now I couldn’t have heard him clearly. The amount he was telling me was way above and beyond what would be extra for us. It was the amount of our groceries for the next two weeks. While I try to be a mighty woman of faith surely He wasn’t serious.

“Are you sure?” I was secretly hoping I’d heard him wrong.

“Yes. Write the check.” Dan was so sure, and I could hear the questions in my mind. How was I supposed to get groceries? At the time our oldest was probably around 2 or 3.

“But Dan that’s our grocery money.” I tried to argue.

Dan nodded. “That is what God is saying!”

So with a deep sigh I wrote the check and we gave the money. The entire time in my head I kept thinking “How are we going to do this. Well we’ve got extra in the house. We’ll fine for awhile.”

For about a week and a half we were fine. We were finding the bottoms of our cupboards but we were okay. My big thing that I kept praying was “God if we have to go on what Jesse Duplantis calls a forced fast then fine, but take care of our daughter.”

With only a few days before payday I began asking Dan, “Are you sure he told you to do this? And why can’t we just charge groceries. We gave the offering.”

One thing I really respect about my husband is when he knows God spoke to him; he digs his heels in deep. “God told us to do it, and He’ll take care of us!” That was the end of the conversation in Dan’s mind.

A day or so later I opted instead of working out I was going to take the stroller and go to the park with our daughter. It was a beautiful day and there was no sense of staying inside. The park was going to be a long walk but I just felt an urge to do so. I honestly wish I could say I heard the voice of God to tell me to go, but I didn’t. I just started to walk.

When I was about half way there on a busy street in Orlando I heard a man behind me and the I could see him on a red bicycle ride up beside me. I started to get nervous.

“Here,” he says to me, “It’s for the baby.” He handed me money.

“What? I can’t take your money sir.” I tried to argue with him.

“No. It’s for the baby.” He handed me the money and rode off on his bike. He had no idea what was going on in our house. He didn’t give me a lot of money but it was enough to buy bread, milk, and eggs until Dan got paid a few days later. We were okay. One of these days I’ll get to heaven and get to really thank that man for his obedience to God.

Incidentally when all was said and done, Dan had gotten paid, and we had our pantries full again, I was rear ended by a car in traffic. We had an insurance settlement and we received a check for exactly 10X’s the amount we’d originally sowed. Dan had been right. God did take care of us. We didn’t go hungry. He is faithful.

So many times we hear stories like this and we want those kinds of stories but rarely do we take the steps of faith that God might require to go through them.

Psalm 37:25I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

In these economic times where you might be believing God to put gas in your car and trusting that you’ll see his provision. Know that God knows where you are. God sees you. Trust in Him. If he told you to do and be in the place you are, if he has to send some guy on a red bicycle to help you out He will. He is faithful and His words do not come back void (Isaiah 55) Trust in Him!


  1. You pray, "if we have to go on a forced fast, fine, but please take care of our daughter"....then the man says "it's for the baby". WOW!

  2. Yes. I still love telling this story because it is so God's faithfulness. We didn't have to have a forced fast because what he gave us got us all through. But yes, that gets me everytime. :-)


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