Boxing Match with a Hot Water Heater

If you follow me on Facebook then you’ve probably heard about Dan and my recent adventure with the water heater. Really it was more Dan’s adventure. It amazes me when you own your own home how much your thrust at learning some skills you wouldn’t have learned before like plumbing and carpentry. Our house is 24 years old and the hot water heater had never been replaced. Dan was cleaning out the garage a few weeks ago and suddenly saw that our old one was leaking. He was right we needed to replace it, but really I find that such an adult purchase neither of us wanted to purchase. I would have much rather opted for some sparkly shoes and a new dress, but we had to so we did.

When we went to Lowe’s to investigate we learned that it would cost us $400 just to have it installed. Really? $400? The water heater didn’t cost $400. Dan took one look at it, and figured he could probably do it. So we had to rent a truck to get the new one here, only to find out someone had seemingly dropped the new one because it was smashed. Then we had to exchange the new smashed one for a new non smashed one. I had hoped that was the end of the hot water heater drama, but then we needed to get it installed.

I have to give my husband credit. He was doing everything he knew to do, and I appreciate the people that were praying for us last week as Dan started to box/wrestle with the new hot water heater. It’s amazing how God sends help when you need it. The house next door has been empty for two years and the woman who just bought it had her friends up from Miami helping her with the move. The friends are in ministry and just so happen to have looked at Dan struggle and the one offered his help. While it still took both of them two days really to get it working. That man’s help was a God Sent thing. Dan needed the help.

I am very happy to say I have a new installed water heater now. That I really did want Dan to paint it pink and sparkly but I don’t seem doing that any time soon. It’s amazing to me that when you know you need to do something bigger than what you can do; God always provides the extra umph to get you over that. Dan wasn’t sure how he was going to do this, but after about a dozen trips to Lowe’s and getting the extra help, it got done.

Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

In ALL situations He will never leave you. That scripture is truth. Whether it’s putting in a hot water heater, or taking a test, or trying to pay off a bill. He is faithful to you no matter where you are today. Trust in Him! He’s sending you more reinforcements than you may realize. He’s got awesome plans for your life. Get Excited.


  1. These are some of the very necessary tips to put in mind whenever a water heater installation deployed. A very well written article. Heating and Cooling Mississauga


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