Making a Three-Wick Candle

As I have mentioned in blogs past, I inherited my grandmother’s Christmas decorations. In those decorations were these three large candles. The problem was these three candles weren’t meant for Florida heat. They were stored in the attic and every year kept getting more and more deformed. So last year I had a grand moment of inspiration and decided to melt the three candles down. I used the same wick to turn the wax into a large three wick candle. It was a bit of a mess, but what I ended up with was and is semi functional.

This year when we pulled the Christmas decorations out of the attic I was curious to see how the infamous candle creation had fared. I wondered if I would find a large pile of wax because I know that attic can get very hot. Surprisingly it looks exactly like it did when I put it up there last year.

When things or people unite together it just makes the whole stronger.

Ecclesiastes 4:12
Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Perhaps the enemy knows this concept to, because it seems that unity in the church/family/and business seems to be what is attacked first. Jesus understood this too.

Luke 11:17
Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them: “Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall.

It amazes me the amount of strive and division that seems to go on in families over the holidays. I want to encourage you this holiday season no matter who it is in your life that drives you bonkers, to pursue peace. Many of you are saying, “But you don’t know my story.” You’re right I don’t. But don’t let small strife’s suck out the joy of this season. Enjoy those people. Life is too short. Put on a smile, and pray for them.

Remember God has awesome plans for your life. Get excited.


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