I Found My Boots

Several years ago I decided I really wanted a pair of calf length boots. However I didn’t think it would take me so long to find a pair that I liked and would work. Every boot season I would start looking for ones I liked and trying them on, and every season I would end up without a pair. Sure there were several reasons behind this: sometimes price, sometimes my big calves, sometimes I just didn’t see something that made me swoon. What is so funny is that I was so convinced eventually I would find a pair I liked and that fit me right, I even put down to write the blog “I found my boots!” years ago. It was in my blogs that I think about and have in the corner of my head. I wanted a pair and knew I’d eventually find them.

Last week I decided to look at one store I hardly ever go to. I figured its February and just maybe I’ll find something on clearance. As all bargain shoppers go I wanted the perfect pair and I didn’t want to pay much for them. There on the clearance was the most perfect pair ever for only $20. I quickly found that out of 5 pairs left they had my size. I quickly tried them on only to find out that they didn’t fit. Again, my calves were too big and I was going to have to put them back. Maybe it sounds weird to some, but I just felt like I had to try on a size bigger than I’d normally wear. So I did and they were perfect. Sure angels weren’t singing because I found my boots, but I could imagine they were. I love my new boots! They are beautiful.

Many people give up on the things they want because they just get tired of the circumstances. Sure I wrote that I was going to write this blog probably three years ago, and honestly I wondered if I ever would. However today I can. If you are a fan of the works of the writer Donald Miller there is a scene in his book, A Million Miles In a Thousand Years: How I Learned to Live a Better Story Where he talks about kayaking in the middle of a lake and realizing one night when he could no longer see the shore or where he was going. It talks about this is the place in life where people typically give up. It was the place where people start blaming their spouse and the world. His words are so true. It seems to me that few people want to endure anymore. Maybe the story of my boots seems simplistic to some, but I endured and three years later I got the prize.

The Bible is full of scriptures on endurance. God’s pretty big on it. I suppose it’s not always popular to talk about it. But you’re not going to run the fullness of the race of life without it. A Christian Faith Filled life isn’t typically a sprint but more like a marathon. You have to endure to the end even if it’s uncomfortable.

Philippians 3:14 (NIV) I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus

I want to encourage you all to press forward to both the small goals and the big goals in life. You never know when that next sale, destiny, doorway, breakthrough will be around the next corner. He who preservers and endures will get the prize.

Remember He has awesome plans for your life. Get excited!


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