Sometimes, it's not easy!

This morning my mom and grandfather ended their trip to the South and started the long drive back to Ohio. For most of my readers you know my story, but for those that don’t, over 12 years ago now God told my husband and I to move across the country to a land that we knew virtually no one. We both have amazing loving and supportive families 1,000’s of miles away. I can’t tell you we’ve been here because of a job, but we’ve been here because we knew beyond a doubt for this season it was where God wanted us to be living. While we are blessed to get to see our families on occasion, in my mind and most of theirs, visits are few and far between.

Having done this for so long many would think the separation gets easier, or the choice to be where we know God wants us to be would suddenly be as if our fairy godmother had waved a magic wand and made it okay. It doesn’t happen that way. It’s not easy. I still cry. Honestly I’ve been a bit bummy all day. In a perfect world I’m not sure where I’d choose to live. I hate lengthy stays in the snow, maybe I’d snowbird it, but one thing I know for sure is I don’t regret making the choices that we’ve made. As hard and difficult it has been, I see God’s hand in it. I don’t regret choosing to live a life sold out for where God has wanted us to be, and while I’d like to be closer, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt we’ve needed the season here that we’ve had. I can start naming various Bible characters and other known names in the kingdom that also had to go through a season of being apart from the comforts of home.

Matthew 19:29 (ESV)
And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name's sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life.

Sometimes people like to lie or put on a happy face and pretend that a mature walk in the Lord is some easy thing. It’s not always easy. I’m not saying everyone has to physically leave their families, but I am saying sometimes you have to make choices that are difficult. Easy choices aren’t always the right choices. I heard Joyce Meyer say once that God is more concerned about the long-term results then our immediate comfort. It’s a very true statement. Things that are difficult do seem to work out. At the end of the day you have to trust the Lord. You have to trust that He has your best interest at heart and he does have a way to give you the desires of your heart. (Psalms 37:4) So even when it’s not easy. . .make the choice to do what He is saying. It will work out in the end, and he will restore the time that was lost.

Remember, He has awesome plans for your life. Get excited!


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