A Season of Redefining and Realigning

As most of you realize I absolutely do flow in the prophetic, but not a lot in this blog.  There is an occasional one here and there.  This blog is typically for teaching stories etc.  However this morning as I was getting around I felt the Lord clearly impressing upon me, “It’s the season of Redefining and Realigning.”  I questioned posting this publicly.  As many of you know Dan and I are seeking the Lord in some areas right now, and I never want to prophesy out of my own issues.  However I continue to feel a heavenly nudge that this word is not only something for my family, but it is a corprate word over the body in this season of time.
Before I begin to dive into what I believe God is saying here let me put out here that God speaks to His children corporately on a regular basis.  We are one in the spirit and often I find that when one of us is going through situations many of us are as well.  That doesn’t mean the situation is exactly the same for everyone.  Some of you may not identify with this.  However I believe there are many that will. 
I believe that for many they are going through a redefinition of who God is in their life, a redefinition of what their destiny is on this earth, and a redefinition of God’s purpose in that.  There is an internal seeking going on in the kingdom.  I believe that things are happening around you that is forcing you to look upwards to heaven because you have no other choice but to do so.  This redefinition is a good thing.  Many of you have struggled with it wondering if the questioning is bad, but it isn’t.  God is putting you in a place where something deep on the inside of you is clicking, and you are maturing spiritually in ways you haven’t noticed before.  Allow yourself to go through this process.  I encourage you to spend sometime with God and reaffirm your commitment to Him, His process, and the destiny on your life.  Allow Him to speak to you about certain situations, and allow Him to bring about the redefinition.  You have to have time where you hear from God.  Many would say, “Yup, I know that’s true.” But then never listen for what God is saying.  Allow Him to speak to you. 

Then I believe the other half of this word will begin to come to pass.  We’ve been crying out for a reallignment in our life.  Not that there is anything wrong with where we are now, but never in your life do you want to get stale and stagnant. There are times and season where you will face when it’s as if you’ve outgrown the shoes you were once wearing. When God is leading you to a place of change it isn’t a bad thing.  But you have to allow God to do it.  He knows the right people and places you need to be around to get you where your going.God often allows us to go through circumstances that seem impossible.  He allows this to happen because it brings you to a whole new level in faith, and it brings the people around you to see His working in your life.  I’ve been reading a lot about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.  Their situation looked impossible, but God took them through the fire and the supernatural power of heaven was seen.

I believe we are in a place of realignment.  God is putting his people in places that He has designed for them.  You have to allow God to do this.  You have to move when He says move.  You have to stop fighting Him.  The other side of this too is you have to stop telling him He’s not moving quickly enough for you.  He’s realigning you, trust in that!

I thank God and trust Him for a season of “Redefining and Realigning” in my life.  You can thank and trust Him for the one in yours too.

Remember God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!


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