Praise the Lord My Hunny is 40!

            I’m writing today’s blog in honor of my super awesome amazing husband.  Today he turns the big 4-0!

I met Dan through a very divinely ordered dramatic turn of events.  I don’t think I need to rehash all the details…however it was akin to something out of an episode of Seinfeld or some romantic comedy starring Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler.  Perhaps it’s a screenplay I’ll write one day; let’s just say God has a hilarious since of humor. 

            I remember when I was young and my dad turned 40.  I remember thinking it was so old.  It’s funny how age just becomes relative the older you get. 

            This last season of time has not been easy on either of us, but my husband is such a trooper.  He is one of the most talented artistic minds I’ve ever had the privilege of being around and even though he could have done many things with the last few years of his life, he’s chosen to stay the course and allow God to mold him and mature him for His glory. He’s become so business and entrepreneur minded that often times he reminds me to think outside of the box. HE continues to say focused on what He knows is his God given destiny.

When most people publicaly see the two of us they are probably used to seeing me.  I’m loud and outspoken.  But my husband is really the stable one in the family.  He tends to be my anchor, when my seasons-of-dramatic-whims come along; He holds me down and brings me a stable calm that matures me to being the woman I need to be on the earth. 

He physically as aged rather gracefully, He still looks like he did when we met over 14 years ago minus the silver hoop earring.  While he may look in the mirror and complain about a slightly thinning head of hair or the casual grey hair, truthfully I remind him of  Proverbs 16:31 (ESV) “Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life.”

He’s a good father, who has a knack of explaining things to our children at their level, where I just confuse them with five syllable vocabulary words. 

Though being raised by one of the best undiscovered Italian chef’s on the planet, he has graciously eaten my cooking over the last 13 years, even when I label it as “edible”.

I want to publically say that he is one of my hero’s on the earth, and I thank God every day for him.  There is no one else on the planet I’d rather be sharing my life.  It hasn’t always been easy for us, but we’ve stuck it out.  I want to wish a very Happy 40th Birthday to one of the best guys on the planet. 

Remember God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited.



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