Sudden Divine Interventions

I’m going to write a little bit off the cuff today.  This is about some things I’ve been feeling in my family’s lives as well as the season we are in the body of Christ. 

Honestly Dan and I have faced some of the most intense seasons I’ve ever faced in ministry and life to date.  It wasn’t just about the move from our old home.  There are a lot of long awaited transitions happening that I’ll talk about in the coming days.  It’s been a season where God has spoken some very specific things to our heart and the pieces have yet come together.  I’ll admit my attitude hasn’t been the greatest about this pace that has felt like a skipping record stuck on repeat.  “Come on God,” I’ve wanted to yell, “I know you see me.  I know you have better plans, so let’s get this party started.  I want to run!”

I know I’m not alone in this.  There are many in the body of Christ in similar situations.  God has spoken some things, and it feels as if the pressure has been turned up to the maximum.  You’re trying to hold on and not be a rocking boat, but truly something has to give soon.

This morning in prayer I kept praying out the phrase “Divine Interventions of God.”  It’s a phrase I’ve prayed out numerous times in the last few months along with “Suddenlies” and “Turnaround.”  I believe that as a body we’re all in this season of time where as it looks now it seems nothing can change.  The very thing that God has spoken to you seems impossible, and the road before you seems so narrow and winding that you can barely see where you’re headed.

Every valley shall be filled And every mountain and hill brought low; The crooked places shall be made straight And the rough ways smooth;

Many of you have heard it preached before that Joseph went from the pit to the palace in one day.   He did.  God often allows us to go to what seems like impossible situations.  It’s not to mess with you, but it’s to help you build your faith.  It’s so that you know that you know the answers that He brought were Him. 

But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Trust in Him today despite of what you can see.  Trust that He is making a way in the wilderness and He has not abandoned you.  Wrap your faith around Sudden Divine Interventions.  Speak it over your circumstance.  I believe you’ll see that thing that seemed so momentous in your life begin to melt like wax.  Trust Him.  He loves you.

God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!





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