Seriously? There is a Dog Driving That Car!

Yesterday, my oldest daughter and I waited for too long in the Staples parking lot for our computer to be ready.  (To rewind a bit, our family computer caught a nasty bug and we finally opted to take it into Staples where it’s been immunized, vaccinated and everything that can be done to it.  We were told by the staff it would be done by Monday.  So I went in Monday to be told I wouldn’t be getting it yet.  I was told Tuesday morning, and then was called Tuesday morning to be told it would be ready at 5:30 that night.  So we went in Tuesday evening to wait because it still wasn’t done.  If I haven’t mentioned in a blog the customer service in Central Florida is sorely lacking, so anyway my oldest daughter and I were waiting in the parking lot in the car for about 45 minutes waiting for the computer to be done.) 

As I was waiting I happen to glance about two rows over.  There was a red pickup truck pulling into a parking space.  At first I saw a dog driving the car.  It took about two seconds for that thought to register so I began staring at the car.  “Wow,” I thought “Either a dog is driving that car or that guy is really ugly?!”  I sat staring at the truck waiting for someone to pop out with a camera crew telling me it was some crazy TV show because seriously it looked from where I was sitting that a dog was driving the car. 

Finally when the truck was put in park, the dog moved.  It was obvious that it wasn’t a dog driving the car, but the dog was on the driver’s lap.  What had appeared to be the dog driving wasn’t that at all. 

It’s funny how your eyes can play tricks on you like that.  What appears to be in a situation really may not be that at all.  Faith is a lot like that.  Faith believes what you know to be true versus what you seem to be seeing.   Faith believes God over the circumstances that seem to be visible. 

Hebrews 11:1 (NIV) [ Faith in Action ] Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see

Hebrews 11:6 (NIV)And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

            You have to trust God over the theatrics you may be seeing in your life right now.  You have to trust Him because a dog doesn’t drive a pickup truck.  You know God’s word, and you know what He’s told you. God doesn’t lie.  He doesn’t shake things in front of you and then say, ‘Made you look’.  He’s not like that.  His word is truth! It may look like a dog is driving this thing at the moment in your life, but it’s not. Trust God to see it come to pass in your life. Weeping may last for a night but joy comes in the morning.   

            God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!

            *** I did want to make a quick update on the drama with the girls’ school.  We have decided that we will not be sending them back there next year for a list of reasons.  This issue was just one of many that put us over the top on this issue.  The administrative team did finally call me. After I called the School Board, and got an official apology from the city.  I got what I would call a “Sort of” apology.  It was filled with “the teacher was out of line” but’s.  I realize I’m not high on any of the administrations ‘love list’ at the moment, however according to my daughter this science teacher has been much more careful about how he’s teaching the subject matter, and in that case I feel something positive came from all of this.  They have given my daughter the ability to have a confrontation with the teacher along with a third party, which she’s open to do.  However, I think at this point it’ll just fizzle out.  We’re not pushing the issue.  If they think it’s needed she’s welcome to do it.  If she feels she needs to they are open to it.  It seems unbelievable how our public education system have taken to attack parents and think that kind of attitude is acceptable.  Anyway that’s the update. J ***



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