The Building Blocks of Destiny
Many of you have heard me tell the
story that I was NOT a writer growing up.
People who were writers were people I admired, but I can remember
thinking to myself that was not me. In
fact the gifting never really appeared to my knowledge until after I was
baptized in the Holy Spirit. Which has
just always been proof to me that I can’t take credit for this ability? It’s a gift from the Lord plain and simple.
However, my oldest daughter and I
were watching YouTube videos a few days ago.
I was subjecting her to some of my favorite songs as a kid, and she was
laughing at the clothing and music styles.
Some of the music that I remember ringing such a cord with me as a kid
were these songs that were statement pieces about injustices in the world, or
historic pieces that were exposing the darkness in humanity like Winds of Change by the Scorpions, or Abraham, Martin, and John by Dion. My mother always says that one thing I always
had as a kid was a very active imagination.
I used to sit at my father’s side while he told Vietnam stories, and
they were a typical evening ritual.
Movies like Delta Force, The 10
Commandments, and Rambo were
movies I watched over and over again. I
can remember getting mad in a high school history class because I didn’t like
the way the teacher was teaching on Vietnam and I wanted to teach the
class. I remember sitting behind a piece
of the Berlin Wall at a traveling museum and weeping for the people would lost
their life to bring it down. I remember
going to the adult Sunday School Class at the little Lutheran Church when only
a preteen because the kids class bored me.
I joke that I was an odd kid, but in truth I was just being the person
God created. While I still maintain that
God gave me a writing gift I can see that the building blocks were there from a
very early age.
While all these things didn’t click
to me as a child, I see it now very clearly. All these things were clues and building blocks
to the person He had created me to be on the earth. God is no respecter of persons (James 2:1-13)
The Bible is very clear that He puts us together and fashions us in our mother’s
“Before I formed you in the
womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”
God uniquely fashions each of us in the womb. He puts us together and molds us. He gives us gifts and abilities. You will do things on this earth if you will yield
over to God’s plan that I will never be able to do. You will accomplish things that your neighbor
never can, because God has fashioned you for a specific plan and purpose. His plan is always bigger than your mind can
fathom, and that’s a good thing. That’s
when you know only God can do it. You
were born for such a time as this. This
song is a new mantra that’s been playing a lot at my house recently. We just bought it off iTunes. It’s the Anthem
by Jesus Culture.
“Wake up child; it’s your time to shine! You were
born for such a time as this! You have destiny.
You are royalty. Shake the
Just as I can look over the early years of my life
and see building blocks for my future, think about your own. I’m sure those moments exist in your
life. Think about them today. What are they? What can you do to step into those moments of
destiny? Life is just too short to go
through it not fulfilling purpose. God
has a purpose for your life! Spend some time with Him, find out what it is, and
blaze a trail!
God has awesome plans for YOUR life. Get excited!
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