Divine Encounter on an Airplane


            Good morning all of my super fabulous readers!  I want to first welcome all my new lady readers that I met at the Woman’s Conference this weekend in Toledo.  It was so good to meet you all and it was an honor to share that special time with you.  For you guys this story was already told to you, so you get to hear it again.  (Grin) I just love it when God sets up his people in divine connections. 

            As many of you know I flew up last weekend for a very intense few days into Ohio.  I realized as I was preparing to fly that I had never flown by myself.  It’s true.  As a kid, I always had my parents with me.  Now that I’m an adult it’s either been my husband by my side or my kids always taking a stolen moment of silence at the boarding gate to slip in an extra, “Mom, Mom, Mom, Mommy!”  I had long sense loved hearing other people have random divine encounters on an airplane.  But I have never had one.  Maybe it was the fact the kids always kept me occupied, or perhaps I just gave off an ‘unfriendly, don’t mess with me, and don’t talk to me’ air about me.  Whatever the reason is, while I often look for opportunities to minister to those around me in public settings it’s never happened on an airplane. 

            It is with all of this in mind, that before I flew last weekend I prayed that God would use me to speak to someone about God.  I prayed that God would put me next to someone that needed a God touch.  I prayed that God would use me in a divine appointment for someone else.

            When I finally made it on the airplane, I wondered if that would really happen.  Southwest doesn’t have assigned seats.  The airplane was almost packed.  I can’t say God told me where to sit.  I just sat down where there were two empty seats.  Right before the plane was done being filled a sweet woman in her fifties sat down next to me.

            As the plane took off and began its journey; this woman shared her life story with me.  In the last three years her husband had cheated on her, she’d been divorced, she lost both her parents, and her son had battled drugs.  While she was a believer, it seemed that her life desperately needed a touch from God.   I knew this was a divine encounter.  God had a prophetic word for this woman, and I was honored to get to give it to her.  I was even more honored to encourage her that God was turning situations around.  Perhaps to many this would just seem like a mere coincidence, but I do not believe it was.  I believe it was a divine God set up, and I love getting to be a part of those kinds of things. 

            Many people believe that ministry just involves a church or what takes place inside of four walls.  But we often forget that in fact that believers are the church, and we need to look for how God can use us in any situation, no matter where we are, or how many feet we are above the ground.  There is a hurting world around us, and God needs us as the church to do its job.  We need to be the hands and feet of the gospel.  This woman needed some Godly encouragement.  I was honored to be used to deliver it.  We need to fulfill the great commission to ‘go and make disciples of all nations’ (Matt 28:19)

            I want to encourage you all with this story today.  No matter where you are in life: at the grocery store, at work, on a plane, on a train, in the mall, or in a restaurant….I believe God often sets us up to be a blessing to those around us.  I want to encourage all of you to stay sensitive to what God is saying to you, and to be obedient to that.  Your words may be exactly what a person needs in a time of turmoil in their lives.  Perhaps the body of Christ should start acting like the church in the world.  I’m not perfect in this, but I guess this last encounter serves as a reminder to me too.  God places people in our paths; we need to be sensitive enough to hear what He wants us to say, and willing to do it! Remember life isn’t all about our own dramas and issues.  God has us on the earth for a reason.  We need to live to be a blessing to others.

            God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!


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