WARNING: To all who read this, this is a total random
blog today. Welcome to the inside musings of my mind.
is always a day of reflection and contemplation for me. It was 14 years ago
that God moved my husband and me across the country to Florida. We lived there for 13.5 years. It’s been 5 months that we’ve been back in
Ohio, and I know without a doubt both moves in those individual seasons were
the in the right place at the right time for our lives. I guess I set this day up as a memorial in my
walk. I had been a part of leaps of
faith in my walk with Christ before this one, but somehow that one 14 years ago
was one of the defining moments of my life.
I have no regrets to either.
finished the rough draft of my 21st book on Friday. Before I wrote my first book I can remember
telling Dan how much I refused to be one of those people who always said they
were going to write a book and never did.
I think now after I’ve done this 21 times with the plans of 22, 23, and
24 off in the distance, I’ve certainly made the point that I wasn’t going to be
a kinda woulda shoulda individual. Sure
I get frustrated because I want to be a lot further in my career, however on
the other side of all this I have no regrets to the work I’ve done. I would appreciate prayer regarding all of my
works that are still unpublished. It
does get kind of old feeling like most of my books are sitting beside a
literary highway holding up a cardboard sign saying “Will Write for Food.” I
have a lot of possibilities as to where to step next in publishing and am just
believing for the God kinda door to be illuminated. The process of writing so
many books has taught me so much as a writer and a believer. God really does make the impossible
possible. I LOVE to write and I love
getting to speak; I continue to believe that God opens the doors for that more
and more.
a member of our church asked for some people to come over and help them
paint. So Dan, the girls and I donned
some paint clothes after church and helped.
We all enjoyed getting to paint.
Their fixing up an old home from the 1800’s and it is a beautiful
home. It was nice to get to meet a few
people from church outside of church. I
think that the body of Christ often misses the point that we are supposed to
help each other out. We need to be a
family. I was glad to see my girls dive
into painting the trim, even if we had to make a few drop clothes readily accessible. I am a person that has always loved doing ‘Acts
of Services’ projects and it’s something I need to actively seek doing more.
am shocked, saddened, and blown away by the death of Dr. Myles Monroe and his
family as is most of the Charismatic Christian Community. While I never knew him personally I did know
of many who did. He was a mighty man of
God who will be missed. It reminds me
yet again how fragile life is while we are on the earth. It reminds me of how important it is to leave
a legacy (which he and his family certainly did). It is also a good reminder
how important it is to cover you leaders in prayer. Please pray for the surviving family, along
with his spiritual children.
As I close out this totally random blog for the day,
I want to add this; today in my devotionals I stumbled upon one of my favorite
scriptures. Proverbs 3:6 “In all your ways
acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” It’s easy for all of us to have so many
things that we are praying about and putting our hands to accomplish. But isn’t beautiful to know that as we give
it to God and acknowledge Him then God makes a promise that He will and shall
direct your path. All those years ago
God directed us to Florida knowing that one day He’d direct us back. All those years ago when I struggled writing
my first book He saw me being able to say I just finished my 21st. I’m believe as I have my whining moments
about wanting them all published He’s seeing me at that place of fulfillment. Dan and I spent YEARS praying that God would
lead us to the right church for this particular season in our lives, and He
did. God has a beautiful way of turning
things around. He has a beautiful way of
making something right out of something that seems beyond wrong. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and do what
He puts on your heart to do, and HE SHALL direct your paths! I never claim to be perfect at any of this,
but it’s glorious to know the ONE who is!
has awesome plans for your life. Get
***Tomorrow is Veterans Day and if you know me you
know I’m a softy for this country and Veterans.
Make sure you hug a Vet tomorrow and say ‘thank you’! Many Veterans barely get a thank you
ever. You might be surprised to know
this but it’s true. Honor those who
serve our country.***
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