
Showing posts from January, 2015

Exciting News!

            Many of you know my journey into publishing has been one of persistence and diligence.  It took me years to get any doors to budge.  For me it’s been a journey of endurance, and trusting God despite the years of turndowns.  Honestly there have been several deals that I could have easily taken, however every time I’ve been published they just weren’t times that I just took because they were offered to me.  I have refused to publish any work I do outside of God’s timing and the right publishing house for each project.  Each piece have been prayed about.  I’ve been honored to watch as some doors in the more recent years have opened.              So I had hinted at this news in my last blog and on social media.  I am so excited to get to make this announcement now that contracts have been signed.  I’d like to have a *Drum...

In My Own Ability

            I have a confession to make.  I am such a “Martha”.  If you are familiar with the Bible story I’m referring to, it’s in Luke 10:38-42. When I get an assignment from the Lord I have a tendency to throw myself in the middle of it, and work like a bulldozer, and sometimes that is unto my own detriment.  There is a place with needing to do this in your Christian walk.  Noah needed to build the ark before the flood, Joseph needed to allow God to prepare him in prison to be ready to meet with pharaoh, and the Israelites need to march around Jericho.  There are things you need to do in order to see the plan of God on your life.             This has been a difficult season in our lives.  There are some things the Lord spoke to me before we left Florida that haven’t quite come together the way I planned (though they are totally coming toge...

In the times where you need a miracle. . .

            Last week we almost lost our dog, Mojo.  I say almost because my youngest daughter kept insisting he needed our help.  The temperatures last week were in the single digits and she’d gone outside to play at my parents’ house.  Our dog and my parents’ dog were playing and while we kept an eye on her no one thought much about it.  Until she came in frantically crying that our dog was stuck under their pool.  Honestly that child has a penchant for the dramatic and everyone kept saying “He’ll come out.”  But he wasn’t coming out.  Soon we realized that Mojo really was stuck under the pool.  We’re pretty sure he was chasing a rabbit, and somehow managed to wedge himself between a pile of dirt and the deck.  For whatever reason he couldn’t get out the way he came in.  Due to the extreme cold conditions we also knew that time was not on our side.    Four adult...