In the times where you need a miracle. . .
week we almost lost our dog, Mojo. I say
almost because my youngest daughter kept insisting he needed our help. The temperatures last week were in the single
digits and she’d gone outside to play at my parents’ house. Our dog and my parents’ dog were playing and
while we kept an eye on her no one thought much about it. Until she came in frantically crying that our
dog was stuck under their pool. Honestly
that child has a penchant for the dramatic and everyone kept saying “He’ll come
out.” But he wasn’t coming out. Soon we realized that Mojo really was stuck
under the pool. We’re pretty sure he was
chasing a rabbit, and somehow managed to wedge himself between a pile of dirt
and the deck. For whatever reason he couldn’t
get out the way he came in. Due to the
extreme cold conditions we also knew that time was not on our side. Four adults and a crying kid later it
wasn’t too hard to find exactly where under the deck the dog was stuck. However the problem arose as to what to do
about it. We couldn’t coach him
out. We were trying not to get the saws
out in the middle of the deck. Finally
we managed to pry the board up. A very
cold, crying, dirtball came clamoring to the top of the deck. Gratefully we got him in time and he was okay. Given the conditions the scenario could have
easily gone the other way.
are so many times in life we all could put ourselves in the same “shoes/paws”
as my dog. We find ourselves chasing
something that we thought we wanted, then realize we’ve made our way to a place
where we are stuck and aren’t sure how we’re going to get out. Even King David had those moments.
Psalms 40:2 (NIV) “He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.”
out to God does not make you weak. It
means that you admit that you need help.
It means that you’ve done everything you know to do, and that you need a
divine intervention of God. Just like us
intervening in this situation, Mojo wouldn’t have gotten out without our
help. Sometimes you just have to raise
your hands to heaven and know that God will give you a firm place to
I was listening to a message from my pastor and something he said resonated in
me. He said that he and his wife made a
choice that if God said something to him then they were going to choose to
believe it, no matter what happened. I
love my pastors (Pastor Gary and Drenda Keesee) and their story of what God has
brought them through is miraculous. The
beautiful simplicity of this statement seems too good to be true. Will God really put my feet on a rock no
matter what trouble I’ve gotten myself in?
The answer is yes, He will. God
loves to operate in the miraculous and the divine. He is faithful to you. He is no respector of persons. Ask Him if you find yourself stuck. Hear what He has to say. Trust Him. Obey Him. (James 4) Even if you feel you’re stuck with no hope,
God can and will always make a way!
has awesome plans for your life. Get excited!
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