The Sound of Spring

            It’s been a challenging winter for my ex-Florida family for a whole list of reasons.  My family has been through some major changes and snow is something none of us appreciate.  While we are exactly where God wants us to be the gray Ohio days and lack of flip flop weather has made us all a tad irritable. My own children have been caught in the “Mom, when can we go outside in shorts again” blues.
            This afternoon as I was going throughout my day I heard a bird call, and something deep from my childhood triggered on the inside.  I knew that bird call (not even sure what type of bird it was), but I knew if I heard that call that spring was in the air. Inside of my head I started getting hugely excited!  “Spring is here!” I wanted to twirl around the room singing old fashioned Broadway musical show tunes.  I wanted to start a chorus line of dancing and yell out the windows.  I know I’ve always been a tad dramatic but spring . . . finally. . .Yeah!
            In 1 Chronicles 12:32 the Bible talks about discerning the times and seasons of the world around us and what God is doing.   While God doesn’t expect us to know everything He wants us to stay sensitive to what He is doing  on the earth, and stay sensitive to what ‘season’ or time you are in.  We will often go from  transition to transition in our lives.  Sometimes we can get so tired of the same old transition that we will think to ourselves nothing will ever change.  However, I believe God is calling the church to greatness.  I believe He is calling us to an exciting season in Him, and while situations still seem to be like winter. . . in the distance if you listen I believe you will hear the signs of spring.  I believe there is change coming to your situations and what appears to be gray is springing forth.  I believe the sounds of springtime are twinkling in the air.  Trust God.  Wait.  He is always faithful.

            God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!


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