Going from the Multiples to the Multitudes

            I’m not quite sure how to label this blog.  You can call it a blog, a semi prophetic word, or a random musing, but today I had a bit of a rheama word that seemed to bounce off of scripture and shake me for a moment.  I felt I needed to share. 
            I feel that the churches as a whole as well as many leaders are being shifted into some new places.  We are going from the multiples to the multitudes.  What do I mean by that?  I believe God is enlarging our spheres of influence and we who have been feeling this shift, need to prepare to enlarge our tents and stretch out our tent pegs (Isaiah 54).  This is a transition of thinking.  Early in Jesus’ ministry you don’t see the multitudes mentioned until after the disciples are called.  There was an appointed time where His fame was heard and multitudes began following Him.  Jesus loved the one.  He would have done anything for the one individual.  However it was often in the seas of the multitudes was where the signs wonders and miracles took place.  It is there where miracles are the “dinner bell” of the gospel that we will begin to see multitudes come into the churches.  Like in the early days of the church, where thousands would join a church in a day, I believe we are getting ready to see this happen.
            I believe we are living in such a time where a great harvest will begin to pour into our churches and ministries.  I believe that we are on the verge of some of the greatest moves of God on the earth.  I believe that as we are beginning to see the dark getting darker, the light will be shining brighter then has shone before on the earth.  It can get easy to get frustrated at how dark it seems to be getting.  But be encouraged, there is a move of God beginning to billow into The Remnant.  There will be multitudes of people being added to the Kingdom, and I can assure you that one day, “Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” (Phillip 2:10)
            I believe we are moving as a body from the multiples to the multitudes.  I believe these are exciting times to be alive in the Kingdom of God.  Get ready; there is a shifting breaking forth.
            God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited.


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