Too Many Bricks in Your Backpack?
other day I found myself having a moment.
I was wallowing in my own self-pity.
I was mentally listing all of the reasons why I found myself not exactly
depressed, but a tad bit on the other side of bummed. Perhaps my reasons seemed to be legitimate to
myself, but I was struggling not to start whining and complaining at God. Perhaps we’ve all found ourselves in that
place before.
In the midst of my moment I heard
God deep on the inside of me. “Anna, do
you believe I can change all of those things?”
I felt His voice echo.
“Yes.” My response was simple. I know God is bigger than my
circumstance. Suddenly I was reminded of
a vision I’d had many years ago. I had
been walking from one side of a town to the other and the more I focused how
hard it was, or complained, bricks were being added to the backpack I carried
around my shoulders. The focus on all
the reasons of why the task before me was so difficult was making my situation
seem more and more impossible.
I believe as I sit at my keyboard someone
needs to hear this today. God has made a
possible path in your circumstance. What
appears to be impossible is nothing next to God. Many of us have heard it preached in church
that what you focus on will become bigger in your mind. Will you focus on your trails and
circumstances, or will you focus on how big Your God really IS? He is the I AM. He is the El-Shaddai. He is MORE than able to meet you where you
are today, and forget walking that path alone, He is right with you cheering
you onward. I’ve been serving God a lot
of years now, and I know Him. He will
not let you down. He always comes
through for His children. He is a faithful
and loving God! He will see you through
this, and He will make a way!
Focus on Him. You do not need to carry the weight of worry,
fatigue, doubt, and complaining around with you. Allow God to remove the backpack, and press
forward to the call of God He has on your life!
God has awesome plans for your
life. Get excited!
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