Random Musings

Hello my super awesome fabulous readers,
            This mini blog isn’t exactly a teaching blog, more like another random thoughts/musings moment.  I realized I hadn’t written anything in blog for in a while and I miss y’all when I don’t. 
            Yesterday was a year ago since we moved back to Ohio from Florida.  I can’t believe it’s been a year.  I have never had doubts that this was where God wanted us to go.  It’s been a challenge facing some of the bumps we’ve had in the road; however I still have no regrets.  God is faithful.  Sometimes His timing is not our own.  The word that I got today that has been churning in my spirit is avalanche.  I believe for an Avalanche of Supernatural favor to be heading our way.  I believe that God has that in store for many of you as well. 
            I just got word that “Confessions of a Ninja Mom” has made it to Kindle.  I realize it’s my opinion, but I think the kindle version at $2.99 is a pretty good deal.  Check it out! Yeah!!! 

            My super fabulous agent has been hard at work.  I appreciate all of your prayers regarding this.  In short I’ve felt like for the last 14 years of me trying to truly break into some literary worlds; and it’s been like I’ve been playing poker with only 10 cards.  Suddenly with her assistance I feel like I’m playing with a full deck.  We believe for God to open the doors that He wants open.
            I was invited a few days ago to attend/preach at a Pastors conference in Kenya.  It’s not uncommon for me to get these invitations. They come about once a month.  For now, I pretty much always nicely tell the people no now and to keep connected with us.  Simply put I know that God will send us overseas for ministry trips someday but until God really speaks to us, I’m not ready to just hop on a plane.  Also there are a lot of crazy online schemes so I always encourage people to make themselves available to get to know us, and that we are open to hear from God on the matter.  What was unusual and really blessed me about this exchange was according to this pastor, there is a group of pastors that get together and study what I have out, and use the material in their churches.  It’s amazing to me how this small-town “NinjaMom” can touch churches in the villages of Kenya.  It amazes me yet again how God can multiply the smallest of things to the Kingdom.  I pray no matter where you are in the world, that if you follow my work, may you look to God and not me.  I’m just doing everything I know to do, to point in His direction. 
I pray that all of you are well.  I pray for my readers often. 
Know that God has an AVALANCHE of awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!


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