2016 A Year of Momentum and Acceleration!


            Greetings to all of you my fabulous people!  I pray that you all had an awesome Christmas season.  My family and I just returned from Canada and I am excited to share with you the word that I feel the Lord gave me for 2016. 

            I want to take a moment to preface this word though with the admission that if any of y’all know me well you know that I’m not quick to try to come up with a catchy word from the Lord.  This is something that I always pray about and seek the Lord regarding, and it’s a great privilege to get to share what I believe the Lord is saying to His people.  I want to hear what God is saying to us  as a corporate message and not just jump on the prophetic bandwagon.  It’s always been really cool in the years past to see how these words have come to pass throughout the years even if they weren’t always exactly like I thought they would.

            During the summer months I felt the Lord speak to me that 2016 was going to be a year marked with “Momentum and Acceleration.”  In praying about this I feel this is likened to a bullet,  speeding train, or even a snowball going down a mountain.  Simply put what has started on a path is now speeding up.  By definition ‘momentum’ means "force or speed of movement; impetus, as of a physical object or course of events".  Acceleration means “is the act of accelerating; increase of speed or velocity.

            As I’ve been praying about this word over the course of the last few months, last week I felt the Lord give me these scriptures regarding the year. Psalms 23:5b “My cup runs over.” And Isaiah 54:4 “You will forget the shame of your youth.”  I don’t know about you but that makes me want to jump up and down a bit.

            As I was thinking about the scripture of ‘my cup runs over’ I began to think of what I’ve been through in the last year.  This last year on a professional level has been one of awesomeness.  I’ve signed three contracts for books releases with publishing houses.  I now have an agent.  “Confessions of a Ninja Mom” (an awesome 40 day devo for moms) came out!  However, on a personal level I’ve had to face many things and there have been a lot of situations that have brought me to my knees.  This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, because God is using it all for His glory, but it’s been a challenge.  There have been some situations that have made me reevaluate my relationship with the Lord, and have forced me to draw closer to Him.  I think that this is a good thing because I do believe God has to prepare us all to walk in the place He is sending us.  To me, 2015 has been preparation for 2016.  Simply put, the bow string on a bow has to be pulled back before it can shoot forward.

            For God to fill us up, so much that our cup runs over then you have to be full of Him on the inside.  This reminded me yet again how important it is for all of us to take this time as 2015 draws to a close, and allow God to fill us up with Him.  Let us move aside anything that could be hindering our relationship with Him, and allow Him to fill us to the top.  I believe 2016 is coming and we will be running over, but let us begin the year by making sure we are filled.

            So in short what do I think God is up to?  I wish I could tell you specifically but we all know that His ways are never our own.  But I do believe that God is up to something.  I believe this is a year that is going to be marked with God putting his people in situations that are going to propel them forward.  There will be many that will find that this is a year that it’s as if God has them in a sling shot and they find themselves going further and faster than they ever have before now.  In short I want to say to you, stay full of Him and Hold on. The bow string is being released!  Things are getting exciting! 

            God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!


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