Dream for the American Church Part 2
Dream for the American
Church Part 2
I expected after sending out the last dream I’d had about
the American Church that for the most part God was done speaking to me on the
matter. However last night I had another
dream that was the 2nd part to the dream before. If you missed the first, please view it here:
Let me reiterate again that this is not something I do flippantly, and it’s
with the utmost care that I’m sharing this second part.
To briefly catch you up on the first dream, I dreamt I
was already married and marrying some other person. I knew I was making a huge mistake. God was telling me that as a whole the
American church is attempting to stay in covenant with him, and unite with the
world. He was saying that the church
knows that they are doing wrong, but really they would rather go with the
status quo then be right. My first dream
was a plea from God that we as His American church would return to their first
Last night I had a dream that I was already married to
one person and I was getting married to this other person. I kept trying to tell the people I was around
how ludicrous it was that I couldn’t be getting married to someone else. However I was going along with the flow of
things. The ceremony was getting ready
to take place that day and we were running around trying to get last minute
things together. The ceremony kept
getting more and more postponed. Finally
I knew the time had come where I had to tell my parents this was
happening. So I went to this weird
pod/apartment like looking place where my parents were staying. The crazy odd thing about it was that I had
to unlock it to get in. When I finally
got inside we talked briefly. I just
couldn’t tell them what I was doing.
This reverential fear came over me.
I knew I was doing wrong and to tell them shook me to the core. We never talked about it, but I was so
convicted sitting in the same room with them, that I left their dwelling
knowing I couldn’t go through with the second marriage, and I was calling it
When I woke up truthfully for a moment I’d forgotten
about the first dream I’d had about 10 days ago. Then it hit me. .. “Oh! This is a
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