2018; A year for what has already been ordered and set in motion, to come to pass


            As I began to pray about  2018 that is quickly approaching,  I kept having a vision of a child.  He was climbing up a steep hill. He got on a sled and laughed hysterically as he slid down the hill.  What I felt God was saying was, “This will be a year where many people will get to enjoy the things that I have already set into motion.” 

            On a personal level, I believe there have been many in the body of Christ who has spent the last several years climbing up that hill.  Some were so exhausted physically after they got to the top they had to take a moment and rest.  But, their steps were ordered of the Lord and they continued to move forward in what God had spoken to them to do.  Many did what God spoke.  While frustration had tried to set in, because they hadn’t seen the fullness of the fruit yet, they have finally found themselves at the top of this hill.  They are able to see that God was ordering their footsteps all along.  God has been strategically placing people around those in the body that they need to be around them.  God has been ordering footsteps and putting people in positions for quick encounters, so it can bring them to the next level.  In short the seeds have already been planted.  What needs to be there, has already been done.

As in the story of Joseph in the Old Testament: Joseph had been in prison, interpreted the dreams of the baker and the butler.  This sets him up for his encounter with Pharaoh.  In order to go from the ‘pit to the palace’ in one day there were years of strategic placement.  I feel like the last few years have been strategic placement for those that have been endeavoring to go where God has called them.  The ‘suddenlies’ and the ‘breakthroughs’ have already been put into place even though they can’t be seen yet.  That’s what faith is.  We know it’s done in the spirit realm, it just needs to manifest in the physical.

            To the American Church, I feel like we are in the same place.  We have seen things begin to be put into motion, and are just now starting to see some things shift into place.  But we can see that God is up to something.  He has not forgotten the covenant in which this nation was founded.

            I believe this is going to be a year where we enjoy sliding down the hill.  This is going to be a year marked with what has already been done be brought to light.  Like children playing when we keep fast and do what God is speaking, we will see such fulfillment and enjoyment.  God had things orchestrated all along.  It’s time to get back on the sled and let God ‘umph’ us over the hill.  I believe the next season won’t be as hard as the last was.  There won’t need to be the climbing and toiling but now getting to enjoy what has already been done.  I am not saying things won’t be hard sometimes, but I am saying that what was so much effort before will be easier now.

            The scripture I kept getting is one that is used often but is so very true, “so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11 (ESV)

            Wherever you see yourself in this, I want you to know that God is for you.  He is not against you.  Trust in His process because He loves you.  We have an exciting year ahead of us people.  2018 will be a good year.


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