
Showing posts from 2018

2019, The Year of the the 2nd Wind

2019 Coming of the 2 nd Wind             I was very blessed this last week that my family and I were able to get away for a little bit and I was able to pray about what I was feeling for the upcoming New Year.   I try very hard not to get on the ‘prophetic bandwagon’ when it comes to giving words especially regarding the New Year, but it’s always been a blessing as I release what God gives me to see how He confirms them throughout the year.   Realize that ‘we prophesy in part’.   You need to pray what God is giving you.   This is what I am feeling.             As I prayed I saw the coming of a 2 nd wind.   At first that kind of baffled me, but then God began to reveal this to me stronger and stronger.   It was as if many of the church have felt in the recent months that they are sitting in a sailboat in the middle of a body of water. ...

Culture, Feminism, The #MeToo Movement

I am always excited when Charisma publishes an article of mine.  However this one is special to me.  I realize that in some circles it will be controversial.  However I feel it needed to be said. I  hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas! Remember God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!

Is God Resisting You?

I am very happy this article of mine was just released on Charisma... Remember God has awesome plans for your life. Get excited!

Step into Spirutal Maturity!

Hope y'all are doing awesome.  Check out my latest article from Charisma! ~And if you are in the Northern Ohio region, Next weekend I was asked to be a part of a book signing through this really cool thing!  Check it out! Remember God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!

Why Every Christian Needs the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

It is always an honor anytime Charisma publishes an article of mine. This one God really put on my heart to write, as He always does. . .but am very happy they published it. . .I hope it blesses many. . . Remember God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!

Cannibalistic Christians

.  As the result of a lot of reasons. . .I wrote this article that Charisma just picked up. . .it needed to be said.  Praise the Lord my oldest daughter makes a great editor for her momma cause I was really fired up when I wrote it. . .and she might have helped me word it the way it needed to be worded. . . Remember God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!

Season of Accuracy

If y'all are readers of The Elijah List. . .I'm very honored the word God gave me on accuracy made it onto there today!  This article also ran in Charisma last week! Praise the Lord! God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!

Fear Enslaves A Nation-But This Key Can Unlock the Chains

Pretty excited that Charisma just published another article of mine! Check it out! "Fear Enslaves A Nation-But This Key Can Unlock the Chains"  Super Smiles,   Anna

Breakthrough has a sound

Hello Folks! I am very excited that Charisma has just published a word that the Lord downloaded to me last week. Enjoy it!  God is good! Remember God has awesome plans to your life.  Get excited!