2019, The Year of the the 2nd Wind

2019 Coming of the 2nd Wind

            I was very blessed this last week that my family and I were able to get away for a little bit and I was able to pray about what I was feeling for the upcoming New Year.  I try very hard not to get on the ‘prophetic bandwagon’ when it comes to giving words especially regarding the New Year, but it’s always been a blessing as I release what God gives me to see how He confirms them throughout the year.  Realize that ‘we prophesy in part’.  You need to pray what God is giving you.  This is what I am feeling.

            As I prayed I saw the coming of a 2nd wind.  At first that kind of baffled me, but then God began to reveal this to me stronger and stronger.  It was as if many of the church have felt in the recent months that they are sitting in a sailboat in the middle of a body of water.  They were led to come out onto the water.  They knew God had called them there, but suddenly it was if the wind just stopped.  They have felt like you were drifting and its here in these moments of feeling like their floating that they have started to question God and their choices.  “What was I thinking?”  “Really God?  What are you thinking?”  But it was there in that moment of feeling as if one may just float out into a deep blue sea, God was about to show up and show off.  I saw this 2nd wind coming from the Lord and it was giving strength to God’s people.  It was moving the ship forward in a very quick motion.  I could see this wind billowing down a mountain and to the people of God.

            The scripture I kept feeling was 1 Kings 18:43 where Elijah was prophesying about the rain. There had been an extreme drought in the land. After sending his servant to check 7 times for a cloud, only then was the cloud seen.  The servant responded at the 7th time, “I see a cloud the size of a man’s hand.”  Elijah’s servant had to have been pretty frustrated at the whole matter.   I mean after the first time he responds, Elijah keeps making him look.  Have you ever felt like that in your walk with the Lord?  “Um God, we’ve had this conversation before?”  “Why am I doing this again?”  I don’t pretend to understand why God does some of the things He does, but this servant kept doing what Elijah told him to do.  It is never said that the servant complained or murmured that he had to check the sky seven times.  He just did.  He had no idea that after the 7th time everything would be different.  However even when he finally saw the cloud, it was so small.  It was only the size of a man’s hand.  This small cloud is what got Elijah so excited?  This small cloud is what made Elijah make him hitch up his chariot.  That small cloud brought a quick acceleration.  The rain came.  In verse 45 it says, “Meanwhile, the sky grew black with clouds, the wind rose, a heavy rain started falling”.  Did you hear that?  The wind rose and the HEAVY rain started falling.

            2019 is the year of the 2nd wind.  The wind is rising, and you will begin seeing the heavy rain failing.  I am excited.  God has not left you or forsaken you.  You have not been stranded in the midst of the sea.  Look up your eyes.  Your help is here.  Extend your sails for that 2nd wind.  Trust Him.

            God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited.                          







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