
Showing posts from June, 2020

Warning: I will offend you!

WARNING This post will probably offend you! In my book ‘Cursing the Church or Helping it?’ There is a chapter entitled “Looking At Situations with Offense-Colored Glasses”. In that chapter I talk about how once you take on an offense with someone or something it’s as if everything they do will offend you. One starts easily then ‘inferring’ things in someone’s speech, post, and every move that the person makes and then gets offended at. It’s as if they study the individual  or individuals looking for new ways to get offended at them. It’s like the phrase going through life with ‘rose colored’ glasses on, but opposite. Everything is filtered through the offense and when that happens it’s as if every little thing can offend someone. The Bible assures us that offense will happen. People will have a difference of opinion and people will be coming at situations with different worldviews. Offense is a choice. You don’t have to go through life offended at people. Choosing to thi...