Warning: I will offend you!

WARNING This post will probably offend you! In my book ‘Cursing the Church or Helping it?’ There is a chapter entitled “Looking At Situations with Offense-Colored Glasses”. In that chapter I talk about how once you take on an offense with someone or something it’s as if everything they do will offend you. One starts easily then ‘inferring’ things in someone’s speech, post, and every move that the person makes and then gets offended at. It’s as if they study the individual or individuals looking for new ways to get offended at them. It’s like the phrase going through life with ‘rose colored’ glasses on, but opposite. Everything is filtered through the offense and when that happens it’s as if every little thing can offend someone. The Bible assures us that offense will happen. People will have a difference of opinion and people will be coming at situations with different worldviews.
Offense is a choice. You don’t have to go through life offended at people. Choosing to think the best in them is what you would want people to do to you. Offense will turn to bitter, anger, and hatred if left unchecked. You have to ask yourself, do you want that in your life? These things will steal your joy. Offense seeks to have your own way and to seek revenge, but love covers a multitude of sin.
I understand that things look a little crazy in our world today. But I want to urge you all to take off your ‘offense-colored glasses’. Life is too short for all of this strife and division. If you find yourself grumbling and getting offended at any little thing someone does, then maybe it’s time you get in prayer. Recognize this has been an issue in your world, and take it to Jesus. Loving people doesn’t mean we will agree with everything they are doing or have done. Choosing love instead of offense will shift the culture.
What our nation needs right now is prayer, love, and for the ‘offense-colored glasses’ to go in the trash…
2 Chronicles 7:14 (ESV)
14 if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.


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