The Politicization of Common Sense and Morality; of course I'm voting for Trump


The Politicization of Common Sense and Morality; of course I’m voting for Trump!

            Many years ago I started writing a blog before the Presidential election to give a thought provoking and detailed reasoning as to who I was voting for and why.  When I looked at writing it this year, deep down I wanted to say, “Duh.” If any of you have been reading anything that I write for any length of time, you’ll know where I stand on this election. 

            While it’s always my desire to come across genuinely loving and to see both sides of the situation here, this time I know I will probably offend some.  While that isn’t my goal, the nation we live in is getting more and more divisive and the ‘middle ground’ has quickly disappeared.  I will state my opinion, and I realize not everyone will agree with it.  While I love people, I cannot condone the decline of morality and the destruction of common sense in our nation right now.  Recently I was watching an ‘Answers In Genesis’ lecture given by Avery Foley called “Gender, Sexuality and the Bible”.  It is a fantastic lecture ( and one thing she said that totally popped out at me was that when Jesus was on the earth he walked in Grace and Truth.  This is found in John 1:17.  What is so fantastic about that revelation is that she said ‘picture it as a road’.  Grace and truth meet in the middle and there is a balanced approach.  The problem is that many people go to the ‘grace’ ditch and it turns into a ‘sloppy grace’ message and that isn’t Biblical, or they go to the ‘truth’ ditch and it gets so hard core and no love.  That ditch isn’t Biblical either.  When dealing with situations we need to as believers unite with ‘grace and love’ and be in the middle.  We can’t compromise, but we also have to show God’s love.  I thought it was a fantastic way to put a balanced Christian approach in these very polarizing times in America and the World.

            Where do I want to see America 4 years from now, 10 years from now, and beyond? Our nation was founding as a ‘Republic Democracy’. Our founding fathers set it up that way on purpose.  They also said that it would only work if the Bible was kept as the guide for morality and the cornerstone for what we did.  In 1983 Congress declared” The Bible, the Word of God has made a unique contribution in shaping the Unites States as a distinctive and blessed nation and people…Deeply held religious convictions springing from the Holy Scriptures led to the early settlement of our nation…Biblical teachings inspired concepts of civil government that are contained in our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States (Public Law 97-280)”  

The problem is that our Education System has been experiencing a hostile takeover for years and ‘we as a people’ have kept our heads buried in the sand.  Students are not being taught the truth on this matter, and personally I have witnessed this.  Curriculum writers have been writing liberal curriculum and this has become accepted.  School boards use blindfolds when it comes to curriculum and the teachers enforce it. I am not saying that every person in a public school system is bad, but take a long look at what is being taught.  They have been dumbing down America for years. Thus, there is a generation of voters now that think Socialism somehow works.  The rising trend of people who think Socialism is a good idea is astounding to me.  Nowhere in history did it ever work.  Trump wants to keep America the way it was founded.  A Biden/Harris ticket will do everything in its power to continue to rip out the foundation of America.

“The philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next. ~Abraham Lincoln

            One of my biggest reasons to vote for or against a person is their stance on life.  Trump has done more for the cause of Pro-Life than any President in modern times.  There is big money in abortion.  The truth that babies are being sold for parts is alarming and should concern you.  Trump is defunding this.  How does the Biden/Harris ticket feel about this? They support late-term abortion, to the point that it comes out of a mother’s womb.  There is a Holocaust of babies being murdered in our nation.

            Since we are discussing children, let’s talk about Child Trafficking for a moment.  Unless you’ve had your head in the sand during this whole ‘pandemic’ drama one of the biggest child trafficking travesties has been uncovered.  The #PizzaGate and Epstein flight logs and stories are enough to make you want to be sick. Now the state of California is loosening their laws about all of this.  For a long time this has been seen as a conspiracy theory.  However, I am sad to say it’s not.  Under the Trump administration this is being exposed.  There is a theory to try to link Trump to Epstein, but it’s an attempted smear tactic at best.  Trump admits he knew him and kicked him out of his Florida home.  He wanted nothing to do with him.  The amount of times Biden’s name, Clinton’s, Obama’s names have been brought up in connection to Epstein though is alarming.  Many of you are saying ‘Well that isn’t proven yet’. Perhaps, time will tell as this is being investigated.  However it’s enough to cause serious concern.  It’s enough that one wouldn’t want their future president to be tied to it.

            So let’s talk about the ‘pandemic’ for a moment.  I have said from the beginning of this thing, that it’s been 98% fear mongering and 2% pandemic.  I still stand behind that.  I went to my doctor who told me that the virus is reacting like any other virus.  You build immunity to it and that immunity in a healthy body will create its own tolerance to it.  She told me to go live my life and be healthy.  She told me that the vaccine is being shoved out without clinical trials and it’s all about money. She personally will be refusing it. If Trump hadn’t been President during this time, I don’t want to know where we would be.  He has said many times that the vaccine would not be mandatory, despite many countries considering this. Big Pharma has been at war with people who dare discuss alternative treatments and to the point Facebook and Twitter giants are shutting people down to try.  Trump found out that the vaccine was supposed to contain aborted fetal tissue and he said he’d stop sending money to the World Health Organization. They are redeveloping it without that.  Biden has already declared if he is elected President, masks will stay mandated throughout the country.  You may disagree with me on this, and that is fine.  But it’s clear Trump is trying to protect America and Biden has his own agenda.  You probably haven’t heard of much of this on the news, because the news is propagating that fear.  Fear and sensationalism sells.   

            The movement to defund the police and riot doesn’t make sense.  I personally am all for people to have equal rights, but destroying law and order is not the solution.  I never thought I would live to see the day that this scripture seems to be coming to pass before my eyes.

2 Timothy 3:1-5 But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

            There is also the Supreme Court to consider.  While I cannot say who will be the next to retire or need a replacement, it’s important that Conservative and Bible based judges be put there.  Our Courts have already been very divided, and with all the crazy oversteps of the Constitution that has happened recently it is critical we have Justices that will uphold the Bible and the Constitution.

            There are so many more things I could say here, and I have already said more than I planned.  However really quick I want to also mention the economy.  Trump is a business man.  Our economy had been doing very well under his leadership.  Even in all the crazy of the “pandemic” it was doing good.  If Biden is so good into politics how was the economy doing under his leadership?  Under Obama it wasn’t doing very well.  In fact my husband and I recently spoke with a real estate agent who suggested we wait and see what happens with the election before making ‘long term goals’ on our home value.  Their point? Under one administration our value will stay stable, under the other the home prices will go down and the interest rates will go up.

            The sad thing is that many Christians don’t vote. The numbers vary but millions of them didn’t vote in the last election.  Many Christians spend time getting mad at each other during election years and it causes strife in homes, churches and on social media.  Dear Church, we must take a stand here.  We must link arms and despite whom our favorite candidate may or may be we must vote for righteousness.  Look I get it.  Trump isn’t perfect.  Some days I really wish he’d no longer be allowed to use Twitter, and I know that he has a sordid past. However without a doubt I do believe that God has used him in this great time of need in our nation. He has been a friend to Israel.  Without a doubt I voted for him in the last election and I will vote for him in this one.  Dear people please vote in this election and if at all possible do it in person.  I have believed voter fraud has been an issue for years, and I have no doubt it still is.

            Whether you agree with me, or want to fight me it doesn’t matter.  What does matter is no matter who you are, you have to realize that our nation needs help right now.  Our nation is so divided and sadly is trampling upon the Constitution and the Bible as if it were a doormat.  We must take a stand.  We must pray for the nation.  We must not waver in our beliefs.  We must remember that the Bible needs to be the cornerstone.  We cannot merely stand back and keep our heads in the sand.  Ask yourselves, who do you think our founding fathers would have voted for?  What do you think they would say about how America is right now?


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