Are you acting like you Father?
When I was growing up, my dad had a phrase he used to use on me all the time. It was the classic, “If you don’t quit your crying I’m going to give you something to cry about.” I hated that line as a kid. I was always looking at my dad like, “duh, if I didn’t have a reason to cry I wouldn’t be crying.” It is funny how when, both time as an adult, and having your own children can put things into perspective. I have found myself often saying that to my own kids. Today I think the phrase is pure genius. I mean really how is it that kids can whine over the littlest of things. It is funny but during your adolescence, you think that you are nothing as your parents but the older you get you realize that you have become similar to them on many levels. Don’t get me wrong. . .break the bad habits, but what I’m saying is that you realize as an adult that they really did know what they were talking about on many things.
It should be the same with your heavenly Father. The older you get in the Lord you should find yourself acting more and more like him. The more you have grown in him and spent time with him you should see yourself using some of His phrases. You should begin to see yourself the way He sees you.
John 14:7-8 in the Message translation reads, “Jesus said, "I am the Road, also the Truth, also the Life. No one gets to the Father apart from me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him. You've even seen him!" What Jesus is saying here is that because they had all seen Him, they have also seen the Father in heaven.
Are people seeing God in you, or are they seeing the “father” of this world? Are they seeing God in you, or a fleshly nature? If you have asked Jesus in your heart, you are now God’s representatives on this earth. What are people seeing in you?
Leviticus 20:26 says, “You are to be holy to me because I, the LORD, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own.” You have been set apart from God. You have been bought with a price. Find it no coincidence that sometimes you do not fit in with the world. For you are not a child of the world, but a child of the most High God! That’s okay! That is a good thing!
I had to laugh recently I was talking to my mom, and she was telling me about getting mad at her as a kid because I didn’t fit in with a particular crowd and the way I saw it at the time was it was her fault for raising me in such a way that I thought differently. I had to laugh at her reminiscence. I’m sure the story true. For years, I tried to fit in with what certain people thought I should be and to act. Finally, a day drew where I was tired of playing the game. I was tired of not being true to the person God had created me to be, and almost as if overnight I began to step into the person that I truly was. It was who God created me to be on this earth. I stopped pretending. I stopped trying to fit in with a particular crowd.
Folks, we have to stop trying to fit in with the world. We’re not on this earth to be like them, but to help bring them to Jesus. If they don’t see any difference in you then how will they know they need what you have? You have to make a stand for righteousness. You have to make a stand for truth. No, it’s not easy. However, when you spend that time with your Father in Heaven you will begin to act more and more like Him. You will begin to realize it doesn’t matter what people may say or think about you. What matters is if you made your Daddy in Heaven proud. Did you act like Him in this certain situation? May it be a compliment to you if someone persecutes you for your faith. For it’s not you that they don’t like it’s the Father inside of you.
It should be the same with your heavenly Father. The older you get in the Lord you should find yourself acting more and more like him. The more you have grown in him and spent time with him you should see yourself using some of His phrases. You should begin to see yourself the way He sees you.
John 14:7-8 in the Message translation reads, “Jesus said, "I am the Road, also the Truth, also the Life. No one gets to the Father apart from me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him. You've even seen him!" What Jesus is saying here is that because they had all seen Him, they have also seen the Father in heaven.
Are people seeing God in you, or are they seeing the “father” of this world? Are they seeing God in you, or a fleshly nature? If you have asked Jesus in your heart, you are now God’s representatives on this earth. What are people seeing in you?
Leviticus 20:26 says, “You are to be holy to me because I, the LORD, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own.” You have been set apart from God. You have been bought with a price. Find it no coincidence that sometimes you do not fit in with the world. For you are not a child of the world, but a child of the most High God! That’s okay! That is a good thing!
I had to laugh recently I was talking to my mom, and she was telling me about getting mad at her as a kid because I didn’t fit in with a particular crowd and the way I saw it at the time was it was her fault for raising me in such a way that I thought differently. I had to laugh at her reminiscence. I’m sure the story true. For years, I tried to fit in with what certain people thought I should be and to act. Finally, a day drew where I was tired of playing the game. I was tired of not being true to the person God had created me to be, and almost as if overnight I began to step into the person that I truly was. It was who God created me to be on this earth. I stopped pretending. I stopped trying to fit in with a particular crowd.
Folks, we have to stop trying to fit in with the world. We’re not on this earth to be like them, but to help bring them to Jesus. If they don’t see any difference in you then how will they know they need what you have? You have to make a stand for righteousness. You have to make a stand for truth. No, it’s not easy. However, when you spend that time with your Father in Heaven you will begin to act more and more like Him. You will begin to realize it doesn’t matter what people may say or think about you. What matters is if you made your Daddy in Heaven proud. Did you act like Him in this certain situation? May it be a compliment to you if someone persecutes you for your faith. For it’s not you that they don’t like it’s the Father inside of you.
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