Florescent Green is Everywhere!
Florescent Green is Everywhere!
This weekend I was blessed to have some much needed and rare extended family time. My mom who lives in Ohio flew down and took my family to visit Tallahassee. My aunt who lives in Saudi Arabia flew to Tally to visit my cousin who lives there and recently had a new blessed addition to her family. It was a very nice weekend visit. My aunt had rented a beautiful house that is nestled out in the woods of North Florida. It was one of those octagon homes where it was obvious the house was designed to show off its surroundings. It was decorated very tastefully by its owner, except for one of the bathrooms. I am not sure what the owner was thinking. They chose to paint this one bathroom florescent green. But it was not just florescent green walls but the ceiling was even this same color. The color was so overwhelming that if you stayed in the bathroom too long the white tub began appearing to be green. The color was so overpowering I began seeing this green color everywhere. I have included a picture for you. Sadly, my camera did not do the shade justice it was much brighter than it appears in the picture.
Many times, we have this idea as Christians that who we are around or what we see or hear all the time will not affect us as believers. But as I viewed this florescent green bathroom I began to realize how untrue this thought is.
1 Corinthians 15:33
Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character."
We have to realize that whatever is around us will affect us. It is just like me in that green bathroom. If I stared at those walls long enough things outside of the bathroom began to look green.
What will we allow around us? The people we allow around us will affect us for either good or bad.
I am reminded of that song I sang in Sunday school as a kid, “Oh be careful little eyes what you see, Oh be careful little eyes what you see for the father up above is looking down in LOVE or be careful little eyes what you see. Oh be careful little ears what you hear, Oh be careful little ears what you hear. For the Father up above is looking down in LOVE oh be careful little ears what you hear.
So am I saying that Christians need to seclude themselves from everyone? Quite the contrary. Christians need to realize that they live in the world to change the world for Jesus, but we also need to guard what we allow to affect us. I have seen repeatedly ones that maybe start hanging around people who are always negative and the next thing they know they are thinking negative thoughts. Be on your guard for this. The closest people sounding you in your life need to be ones that are on fire for God and endeavoring to live for him. If their not, maybe you need to find some new people in your inner circle and pray for the negative ones.
Think about what has become the florescent green places in your life. What is affecting the way you are looking at things? Make sure it is a Godly influence. Make sure it is the Word of God. What is around you is affecting you!
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