Watching Your Kids Shine!

Almost ten years ago when Dan and I found out that we were expecting our first child, I wish I could tell you thoughts of motherly pride welled in my soul and I sang to a musical sound track in my mind, but that wasn’t the case. We’d been unemployed living with my parents until we knew for sure where God wanted us to move. We’d been married just six months and weren’t even sure if we had insurance. Singing a motherly musical was far from our minds. We were scared. When we were sure we were to move to FL I always joke about me puking in the car all the way here. I also remember joking that we’d have to find a giant piece of Tupperware for this kid to sleep in because we had very little in the way of finances. We saw God provide for the situation time and time again. Today I tell my oldest daughter often, that while she didn’t arrive in a time that we thought we needed her, God knew we did. She was on time in His timing, and I often say that she made me grow up. God knew what He was doing.

Today, my oldest had the opportunity to sing a song that she wrote along with a friend from church who wrote the music to her lyrics. Here is my daughter at 9 years old singing praises to the Lord to approx 500 people. I wanted to shout, “That’s my girl! God has always had this kid. Shine for Jesus baby shine!”

As I began to think about this I thought about how God looks at us. Often we go through life and we see situations that may not be ideal, but God sees the entire picture. He’s able to stand up and say, “That’s my son/daughter! Their shining for my glory! Shine baby Shine!”

God loves us. He takes great joy in us!

Zephaniah 3:17 (King James Version)
The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.

He rejoices in us singing, and in some translations I’ve heard it preached God even dances over us! God gushes at excitement when we do the things we’re called to do. I can just picture Him in heaven, the angels and the saints who have gone before are around him, and He is saying, “Do you hear this one or that one! That’s my girl! That’s my son who I am well pleased!”

Today to me was another reminder that God looks at our lives and He sees the bigger picture. He knew when we found out our oldest was on her way that circumstances weren’t ideal, but He saw the bigger picture. I’m so glad He knew what He was doing even when we wondered. He is so good.

Here’s the youtube link for those of you who haven’t seen the video.


  1. I am so glad He gives us glimpses of the bigger picture, and drops sweet blessings in our laps when we least expect them. This is one of my favorite Scriptures. The Hebrew for rejoice can mean, "dance, spin, twirl." I love to imagine God dancing wildly over us with joy. It has a way of changing my perspective. Thanks for sharing Anna. Blessings!


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