
Showing posts from October, 2010

It's Raining Cats and Dogs!

Most people are unaware of where the term, “It’s raining cats and dogs” came. The most common answer is that in the Middle Ages in Europe the roofs of most homes were thatch and animals would get up in the roofs and hide. No one knew they were there. Until one of the animals lost their footing and came crashing down to the floor of the house. I don’t know about you but the thought of a mouse or a cat flying from my roof in the middle of the night doesn’t seem like a nice way to wake up. Thus the phrase, “It’s raining cats and dogs” got started. I could just imagine having dinner guests over and right as people were ready to eat their dinner a rat fell in the center of the table. I’m sure it wasn’t a pretty sight. Often times we in our Christian lives can think that everything is okay. We can think that someone looks fine on the outside and assume that all is well with them. Or sometimes we can think we can gloss over some areas in our lives, that we know we need help in, and think we c...

Introducing Doveagle Ministries

Introducing Doveagle Ministries Greetings, I am very excited to get to finally announce the official birthing of Doveagle Ministries Inc. Dan and I have felt for sometime that this day would finally arrive. After a lot of prayer and wise council from our Pastor, we are launching out into a traveling ministry from our church. ~Excerpts taken from the webpage “Doveagle Ministries is a prophetic voice in this generation. We are a non-profit ministry organization that goes in as guest ministers “bringing freedom through the power of the word“. We are founded on the word of God. It is our heart cry to make ‘Jesus as famous as possible‘. We are a ministry reaching out to our community, nation, and world by the word of God and the supernatural power of God. We see ourselves like a bold voice in the world declaring that we His church rise up and “prepare the way of the Lord.” “Doveagle Ministries was officially founded in 2010 by Dan and Anna Aquino. However it’s roots go back many years. God ...

You Have to see the World Before You Can Help Save It!

As a whole, our society is suffering from a shortage of compassion. Sadly, we have just stopped caring about each other anymore. I do not know when it started. Maybe it is because there is just so much need in the world. Maybe it is because we are so saturated in the media of issues that we have become desensitized to the world around us. However, to take it one-step farther it is not only that we are on a compassion shortage. We have just really stopped seeing the world around us. Every day we go throughout our lives not really seeing the people who are next to us. We see a tear streaked woman at the bus station and we are more concerned about our nails then helping her. We do not stop to realize that the homeless man on the street may just be desperate for a touch of Jesus, or the lady who rings up our groceries just needs a smile and an encouraging word. We have to stop being so caught up in our own lives and start seeing the world around us. I am not perfect in this. I am telling o...

The Five-Fold Ministries are not Wind-up toys!

Expectancy vs. Manipulation When I was a little girl, my grandmother had several wind up toys that we used to play with. I can remember spending hours trying to get the toys to go in the water where I wanted them to go. I have begun to see that in the body of Christ more and more there are people trying to get the five-fold ministry gifts to go where they want it to go and do, just like I did with the wind up toys. For those of you who are not familiar with the term “five-fold ministry” term here is the scripture in which the term is taken from. Ephesians 4:10-12 (Amplified Bible) 10He Who descended is the [very] same as He Who also has ascended high above all the heavens, that He [His presence] might fill all things (the whole universe, from the lowest to the highest). 11And His gifts were [varied; He Himself appointed and gave men to us] some to be apostles (special messengers), some prophets (inspired preachers and expounders), some evangelists (preachers of the Gospel, traveling mi...

Old Faithful

This morning I was praying and I kept seeing a vision of Old Faithful at Yellowstone National Park erupting. It wasn’t one time I saw this but over and over again. Though I’ve never seen it erupt in person, I did see it over and over again in this vision. I believe the Lord was trying to teach/remind me of some things through this vision and I felt that in today’s blog it would be a great time to share. According to Wikipedia, Old Faithful erupts every 45 minutes to 125 minutes. While they are never 100% when it’ll erupt they always know it will. The signs are always there. It always happens. Seeking God and His promises can sometimes feel that way. You can never be sure exactly when and how it’ll appear on the surface but eventually it will. Because underneath the surface the water is boiling and the land is moving and suddenly this thing that you know God has been speaking to you about appears. We as followers of Christ so often get funny about believing for the things of God. We wai...

Faith Is. . .

I was watching Joyce Meyer yesterday, and I thought I’d share something she brought up. She used a verse in Colossians to define faith, I’d never heard it defined that way before, and it got me thinking. Colossians 1:4a in the amplified Bible [the leaning of your entire human personality on Him in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness]. I like that definition. Many of us have heard the definition of faith as: Hebrews 11:1 (Amp) NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]. Whichever verse you want to use one thing that is always constant is that Faith is consistent. It’s not here one day and gone the next. Faith is not a fleeing thing, but it’s stable and constant. I often use the concept that faith is like constant water. Changes in the rocks might be gradual but i...

When Life Gives You Doo Doo, Make Fertilizer!

Yesterday I was thinking about some things and all of a sudden this phrase popped into my mind. We often have this thought that just because we’re Christians then life should be easy and we should never have to face any kind of trial. But that’s not true. Life can be difficult sometimes. It can feel as if we’ve been handed a lot of doo doo. But the good news is that you are an overcoming through Christ Jesus! John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Even though you may go through times where you feel there is more doo doo than you can bear, God has given you the victory. You are on the winning team!! You don’t have to wonder whose going to win this battle. You are because Jesus already did. We have to realize that our testimony is a powerful thing. Though you may go through trials God can turn that mess into a powerful testimony for His glory. We can turn the do...

But There Are Giants In The Land!!!

After God got the Israelites out of Egypt and Moses brought them towards the promise land, there were spies sent out in Numbers 14 to check it out. All this time the Israelites had this concept that when they got to the promise land there would be big neon signs and a paved road. They were all expecting for this land flowing with milk and honey to be unoccupied and ready for them to take over. But if you’re familiar with the story, you know that wasn’t the case. All the spies minus two came back freaking out that there were big guys who appeared to be giants in the land, and their fear kept them out of where God wanted them to be blessed. They all testified to the bounty, but fear stopped them from grabbing what God told them was theirs. Caleb and Joshua were the only two that were bold and full of faith. They kept declaring it didn’t matter that there were giants in the land, God wanted them to have the land and they were going forward. God got annoyed with the Israelites. I...

Be teachable and correctable!

I’m guessing around 20 years ago my sister heard a message taught by TD Jakes at World Harvest in Columbus, Ohio and came home telling me that I needed to hear this message. I totally brushed off the comment and was like okay whatever and ignored it. So I went through my life forgetting about it. Probably 7 years ago she was getting rid of some old tapes and came across that tape of TD’s message and told me to take it. I smiled politely and said sure. Thinking I’m never going to listen to this and threw it in a box. Then about 5 years later I was surfing through the channels and the Christian channels was showing older messages and guess what? It was that same message my sister had been trying to get me to hear all those years earlier. You’d think I’d have paid attention, but I brushed it off. The next day the message was on again, and I was like “OK! I get the point, I’ll watch this teaching.” As the teaching unfolded it was revelation to me that I needed to hear. This word ...