It's Raining Cats and Dogs!
Most people are unaware of where the term, “It’s raining cats and dogs” came. The most common answer is that in the Middle Ages in Europe the roofs of most homes were thatch and animals would get up in the roofs and hide. No one knew they were there. Until one of the animals lost their footing and came crashing down to the floor of the house. I don’t know about you but the thought of a mouse or a cat flying from my roof in the middle of the night doesn’t seem like a nice way to wake up. Thus the phrase, “It’s raining cats and dogs” got started. I could just imagine having dinner guests over and right as people were ready to eat their dinner a rat fell in the center of the table. I’m sure it wasn’t a pretty sight. Often times we in our Christian lives can think that everything is okay. We can think that someone looks fine on the outside and assume that all is well with them. Or sometimes we can think we can gloss over some areas in our lives, that we know we need help in, and think we c...