Introducing Doveagle Ministries

Introducing Doveagle Ministries


I am very excited to get to finally announce the official birthing of Doveagle Ministries Inc. Dan and I have felt for sometime that this day would finally arrive. After a lot of prayer and wise council from our Pastor, we are launching out into a traveling ministry from our church.

~Excerpts taken from the webpage

“Doveagle Ministries is a prophetic voice in this generation. We are a non-profit ministry organization that goes in as guest ministers “bringing freedom through the power of the word“. We are founded on the word of God. It is our heart cry to make ‘Jesus as famous as possible‘. We are a ministry reaching out to our community, nation, and world by the word of God and the supernatural power of God. We see ourselves like a bold voice in the world declaring that we His church rise up and “prepare the way of the Lord.”

“Doveagle Ministries was officially founded in 2010 by Dan and Anna Aquino. However it’s roots go back many years. God spoke to Anna Aquino the word “Doveagle” in 1996. It comes from the words Dove and Eagle. The Dove in the scriptures is often referred to the Holy Spirit or something that is bringing peace and order (Matt 3:16, Matt 10:16). The Eagle in the Bible is often referred to as an overcomer or one that soars above the problems of the earth.(Isaiah 40:31) Dan and Anna feel that it is the mandate on their lives to be used by the Holy Spirit to empower people to soar to places that God has designed for them. They feel that they are being sent out like Noah’s dove in the Old Testament to reveal where the life is to the people willing to hear. (Genesis 8:8-12)”

We invite you to check out the updated webpage. My webpage now has a Doveagle Ministries page

We also invite you to view/listen to an edited audio teaching that I did recently. It is entitled, “Getting to your destiny Have you become a manipulator?”

If you are a pastor or leader of an organization, please pray about inviting us possibly visiting your church. If you go to a church, please mention to your pastor about Doveagle Ministries. Feel free to contact me at

Most of all, I am asking for your prayers. Please pray for Dan and I as we step out into this new chapter of our lives. God is faithful, and He is able to accomplish what He started.

Love you all,

Anna M. Aquino


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