Stepping Into The Doorway of Destiny

Many of you have heard the story about how I starting writing. I’d been 16 and I watched the movie Forrest Gump. I saw those scenes with him in Vietnam and I couldn’t shake them. I wanted to tell my dad’s story about his tour. Little by little I began to realize that it was my God given destiny to tell stories. I didn’t really start writing until six years later.

In the ten years since I started trying to get published I’d write a book, and send it out only to be turned down over and over again. God has taught me a lot in these years. While patience is something that I constantly have to work on, I’ve realized what the phrase, “The ark wasn’t built overnight” really means. The words patience and perseverance have become words tattooed in the fabric of my spirit.

Back in the spring of last year I had a vision. This vision had a lot of parts to it that I’m not going to publicly share but at the end, I was led to walk through two doors back to back. I have just stepped through the second door and I wanted to share. The first door was when Dan and I officially launched Doveagle Ministries. It had been something for years we’d planned for, prayed for, and expected. I walked through that second door today. I’m very excited to finally announce that I have my first official full book deal. Destiny Image Publishers will be publishing “Exposing the spirit of Balaam.” It is due out in book stores March 2013. It’s a non fiction teaching book about the spirit of Balaam and how it’s at work in the church.

I am so very humbled by all of this. As I had a book signing this weekend it was such an honor to get to talk with the people. I’m now stepping in areas that I’ve known for years I would one day. I know God has opened those doors and He is faithful. He is able to bring all of this to pass, and I’m excited for the other doors that lay ahead. I’m also nervous, but I know He is faithful. There were so many time, and so many turn downs that I can remember just wanting to quit. God used many of you encouraged me to keep going. Thank you for not letting me quit.

I want to encourage all of you today. God is no respector of persons. There is destiny and purpose on each of your lives.

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

I don’t want you to read this and think, “Well good for her, what about me?” I want to encourage you all that God has not forgotten you. I am not special. I’ve just done what he told me to do, and refused to give up. I want each and everyone one of you to know there is greatness on the inside of you. One day if you don’t quit you’ll see the breakthrough.

I leave you today with one of my favorite passages. Hope it encourages you. Trust in Him. He’s able to bring to pass what He said He would!

Isaiah 30:21 (NIV) Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”


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