Mr. Bear is Not going to Squash-You-All-Flat!

When I was a little girl my grandmother used to read a book to my sister and I called "Mr. Bear Squash-You-All Flat". Some years ago my sister found me a copy to read to my girls. If you’ve never read the book, it’s a fun children’s story with some good spiritual applications.

Mr. Bear Squash-You-All-Flat is a mean grumpy bear who goes through the forest loperty-lop and squashes the forest animal’s homes. Until one day Mr. Bear Squash-You-All-Flat tries to squash a home that was inside a big tire. The tires occupants hide their faces thinking that they’ll have to find a new house, but he can’t squash the house. He gets really mad and runs loperty-lop even further and tries to squash it and instead flies up in the air and bangs his head against a tree branch. Mr. Bear Squash-You-All-Flat leaves that part of the forest and the animals never hear from him again.

Many of us approach dealing with any adversaries in our lives like the animals did to Mr. Bear. We run and hide. We think this is the end; We’ll never get past this situation in our lives. We think all is hopeless. But we so easily forget that the adversary isn’t all powerful. He has his weaknesses. While it may look like all hope is lost, the story isn’t over yet. We can’t forget the authority that we have on this earth as believers. We have to know that God can and will fight for us.

Isaiah 54:17 (NKJV)17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD,
And their righteousness is from Me,”
Says the LORD.

I have good news for you. I’ve read the end of this book. God’s side wins. It may look like the “Mr. Bear’s” around you seem to be mean and tough, but God’s side wins!

Joshua 1:9 (Amp)9Have not I commanded you? Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go

You stand strong and keep your chin up. The enemy of this world is not going to take you out. You’ve got a destiny and purpose to fulfill and you keep going. Don’t you let the “Mr. Bear’s” talk you out of moving onward with God. You don’t need to run any hide! God’s your victory. You will see the breakthrough!!



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