Some Updates Worth Praising Him About!

Today I’m going to keep it short and sweet for this blog. Many of you have heard some of these things that are updates, and many of you haven’t. So if I’m repeating myself to some of you . . .sorry! I am just so overwhelmed at God’s faithfulness and I need to testify. Many from various locations read this blog and I felt to share this today.

Many of you have heard my story. God told me He was calling me into ministry at 12, and to write my first book at 16. I’m now 32. . .so it’s been awhile. Really, minus some things here and there in life I’ve been going towards that goal ever since. Many of you have been part of my life to witness that finally after all of these years I’m beginning to see break through in this area. As you know, I signed with Destiny Image for my first full official published book to be released. Many of you also know that Dan and I launched Doveagle Ministries last October, and have been prayerfully seeking out churches and now public high schools for me to begin speaking.

Recently we had some new exciting things happen and I wanted to share. My editor called me. They’d brought my name up in a marketing meeting and I guess the room got very excited. They were going down the list of all the work I’ve done in the last several years and they were very excited to be a part of my book that their publishing. The book title has since been changed to “Cursing the Church or Helping It? Exposing the spirit of Balaam”. On Thursday, I found out that Pastors Hank and Brenda Kunneman of One Voice Ministries have read the book and are endorsing it. If you haven’t heard of them, their awesome! I term them as Christian preaching rock stars. Their endorsement means a lot to me, and I am in awe how God has set this entire thing up. There have been so many divine appointments, dreams, and prophetic words that I'm starting to see fulfilled.

I have spent years going forward with a vision that to me seemed impossible. I’ve had different options over the years, and yes, there were days I wanted to quit. But I want you all to hear from me today that God is faithful. He’s faithful to you too. Keep moving forward! I know the process can get long and frustrating, but God is able!

Isaiah 55:11 (NKJV)
So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

I would ask that all of you continue to pray for us. There is a lot to be done in our ministry and in the book in the next year before it’s released in March 2012. Many things need to come together, but I am awe that truly God opens doors no man can open. (Rev 3:8)


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