At The Books-A-Million

After the drama of having my radio interview reschedule on me last week. (The interview/book signing is on April 13th now), I had my first Books-A-Million book signing for my book. (I’ve done them before with another project but this was the first one for this book)

Going into a secular bookstore for this book, I knew would be an interesting adventure. But armed in prayer, I was up for the challenge. It went really well. There was one gentleman who bought my book that didn’t say much to me when he did. Because he was waiting for the rest of his party to be done in the store, I hadn’t known he had gone back to the store to read it. About an hour later he came up to me to thank me for writing it. He was Catholic, and the mentions of the body of Christ coming together and loving each other really blessed him. There was a set of pastors from South Florida that randomly stopped by. It ended in a delightful conversation, and I hope to hear from them again. I had another woman who walked right up to me and after talking to me she said, “I know I’m supposed to be in church again…but I got offended…and…” to which I responded, “I understand” and since I was in a store not far from my home church I gave her a card to visit our church. She happily bought a book. Sadly I had a girl of 12 come up to me and tell me she only reads books about witchcraft. While I’m not sure I was able to plant a seed in her life, I was able to talk to her a bit, and I can only pray for her now. As much as I know I technically go into book stores to sell my own book, what I did in the middle of the Books-A-Million on Saturday was much more than selling books to me. I was getting the chance to minister in the middle of a secular bookstore. Between the “Hunger Games” books and “Dr. Seuss” I was being a missionary in fields and stacks of books.

Sometimes people can hold a misguided attitude that the scripture

Matthew 28:19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

….is only for those who are missionaries or pastors. Yes, I am in ministry. But really if we accept the fact that Jesus told us all to go and make disciples…then we all are in ministry. So I encourage you wherever you are today, whether it be in the grocery store, the mall, or even in a book store….be open to share your faith if/when you feel the door to do so opens. I am not suggesting you get on a chair in the middle of Wal-Mart and start preaching. But I am suggesting that you be a light wherever you go to the world around you. Remember God has awesome plans for your life. Get excited!

****So as I find myself officially in this book tour with several more Books-A-Million’s on my schedule, I ask that you all keep me in prayer for divine appointments at these signings, and please keep spreading the word about the book. We are believing for miracles! ****


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