Pack Your Bags!

I am sure at some point I have probably shared this story but yesterday, I really felt it stirring again, and wanted to retell it.

When I was just out of high school, I was a camp counselor for a small bit of time with LOMO (Lutheran Outdoor Ministries in Ohio) it wasn’t a long time or even a full summer, but I did a few small bits with them and actually really enjoyed it. I had known that I was supposed to work with them, and I can remember waiting for their phone call. The phone call felt like it was never coming and I was getting frustrated.

I can remember asking the Lord what to do. I knew these people were supposed to be calling me any day.

“Pack your bags” the response seemed odd to me. I tried to argue. Why would I pack my bags if they don’t want me to work for them? The Lord’s response was a consistent “Pack your bags.” So after arguing and insisting what I was doing was nuts, I packed my bags preparing to be a camp counselor. Within a few days I was called and I worked for them.

There are times in life where you have to step out on the water in faith because you know God told you to do something. You have to be in His timing and ready to move when he says go.

It’s a little known fact that for years I kept a bag packed in my closet just in case God were to tell me something like this again. I only stopped when a friend mentioned to me that I had a husband and children now and if I had my bag packed I should have one packed for my entire family. I thought the point was valid, and with kids it’s hard to keep a packed bag current with their sizes and I fell out of the habit.

I have been noticing more and more that many people want to step into the plan and destiny God has for their lives but sadly few choose to. Their either are too comfortable in their own plans, or they just give up.

It’s as if many people make the first step to step out of the boat of normalcy but then find themselves hanging onto the boat treading water for dear life. Their too scared to walk on the water, so instead they hang on getting more and more frustrated and tired. The might have taken one step of faith, but then ran back to the boat in their journey.

When Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on the water to meet Jesus, he had to “pack his bags” or take a step of faith knowing that God had his back. (Matthew 14:22-33) Most people view this story as Peter’s lack of faith, or teach about how he took his eyes off of Jesus. But I see it as Peter’s amazing amount of faith. He stepped out of the boat! He did walk on the water. Of course then he began to see the winds and the waves and had doubts but he did do what God told Him to do! He wasn’t consistent, but he tried.

The key though is consistency. Just because Peter stepped out of the boat once didn’t mean he got to where Jesus was calling Him. Sure Jesus made sure He didn’t drown, but I believe if he would have consistently been in faith about walking on the water he would have walked right to Jesus. Just because I packed one time before a job offer didn’t mean I got to my destiny. I’m on a path just like all of you. I’m not there yet, but I’m moving forward. Being driven by the destiny God has for your life will never be achieved unless you are consistent.

Galatians 6:9 (KJV)
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

So maybe it’s time for you to take the steps of faith that you know God is calling you to do. Maybe it’s time to “pack your bags”, “walk out on the water”, and let go of the side of the boat. He’s waiting for you and He won’t let you down. God has awesome plans for your life. Get excited!

****The presale special for my book is over...the retail release date is the 20th!!!! However the books are now for a good sale price on my website. They retail at $14.99 and I'm selling them for $12. Thank you to all who prebought! And please keep passing the info along! I have a lot of books in my garage that need a good home. :-) ******


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