Do You See What I See?

A few weeks ago when Dan and I were touring and videotaping on the battlefields of Gettysburg, PA with Pastor Paxton and his awesome wife Angie, a funny event happened and I thought it would make a good blog for the day. In this picture is my super fabulous husband Dan. We were all sitting and watching the sunset from such a historic viewpoint and Dan thought it would be funny to get a few pictures of him posing with this stature. It really was all in good humor. Suddenly this woman comes out yelling at Dan. “The warden is coming for you. You’re going to be in trouble!” She was angry, and we all stopped to look at her baffled. “You’re not supposed to be up on that rock. The warden is already coming for you. He’s angry.” I fought the urge to laugh at her. She was getting angrier at us. “Can’t you read that sign?” That’s when in unison the sign that isn’t legible in this picture came into focus and we all started laughing. In fact that sign does say, “Don’t climb on this rock.” We hadn’t meant any ill by this, but she acted as if we’d desecrated the monument. Many people have this false notion that just because they don’t know something is a rule, that they are therefore exempt from the rule. But consequences can and do happen whether we know about something or not. If a two-year-old went running through a busy highway they are going to get hit whether they know it’s wrong or not. The Bible talks about this as well. Hosea 4:6a (ESV) My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge So how then are you supposed to know what is right and wrong? Well the Bible is clear in 2 Timothy 2:15 that you have to study out the word of God. You have to learn how to hear the voice of God so that you know what He is saying (John 10:27). Sometimes it’s as easy as reading the sign that is right in front of you. God doesn’t want you to live in fear of making a bad decision. But he wants you to have the knowledge and the wisdom to make the right ones. Here is one of the video’s that was filmed with me and Pastor Paxton on the battlefields. There are several more you can find online. Remember God has awesome plans for your life. Get Excited! *Remember Marion folks: Saturday from 1-4 I’ll be at Hope Crossing for a book singing, and Sunday starting at 6pm I will be guest preaching at Marion Christian Center. *Remember Marion folks: Saturday from 1-4 I’ll be at Hope Crossing for a book singing, and Sunday starting at 6pm I will be guest preaching at Marion Christian Center.


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