Dear Friends, I am so excited to be back at my keyboard. I am still traveling and have a booked calendar for the next few weeks, but I am more centralized in my travels now and am back at writing blogs to you. We have had an incredible two weeks and I can’t begin to say everything in one blog. However I would continue to appreciate all prayers as I continue to travel and minister. God is so faithful.
As many of you know I got the amazing opportunity last week to visit my publisher Destiny Image in Shippensburg, PA and spend a few hours including lunch with one of my hero’s in the faith, Don Nori Sr. I suppose it may sound like a small deal to some but to me it was amazing how God orchestrated the whole thing. To those of you who follow me on Facebook, it may take me a month to upload the photos but I will when I get back to FL (I know I should have taken a pict on my cell phone.)
Many of you may or may not know that my husband is 1st generation out of Italy. My mother-in-law is someone I term as the “Sauce Master”, and I am fortunate to have her sauce recipe. Of course it isn’t written down, but like any good Italian she’s explained it to me enough over the years and while hers on a scale from 1-10 ranks at 11.5, I’d like to think mine is at about a 8ish.
What I didn’t know when I signed with Destiny Image Publishers is that the Nori’s are several generations out of Italy. Probably over 18 months ago I was mentioning on Facebook that I was cooking sauce and Mr. Nori had mentioned that he’d like some. I would have loved to bless him with it, but up until recently I had never canned before, and the idea of shipping cans of sauce in the mail brought me weird images of him opening up a parcel box filled will tomato sauce and shards of glass. We’d even talked about having him and his wife over to our house for dinner if they were ever in Central FL.
About six months ago I was invited with Pastor Paxton and his wife Angie to go to Gettysburg, and film some video’s with them. (There are several video’s out there already in cyber land, and I’ll talk more about this in the next blog) At first I didn’t plan on going. As much as I wanted to I thought there was no way Dan and I could do it. I had many reasons scroll in my mind as to why not. My main reason was the girls and their final days of school. But my mother and my family in the shape of an RV came to the rescue. They came all the way from OH to FL to watch my kids and take care of them so Dan and I could fly and eventually get to Gettysburg. It was figured out somewhere in all of this that my publisher is like 15 minutes from where Dan and I were staying. So Dan and I were able to head up to my publisher. Thus I learned how to can sauce, so I could bring it across the country to Don Nori Sr, himself.
I confess I was a tad intimidated sitting in Don’s office. I have an amazing amount of respect for him. He is the founder of Destiny Image Publishing, a mighty man of God, and a very humble and down to earth individual. If you’ve never read any of his books I highly recommend them. I’m a huge fan of Supernatural Destiny, where he recounts the story of how God led he and his wife to grab hold of their destiny’s and in turn this ongoing choice has shaped countless of others through the books and films that Destiny touches.
So as a result of several turns of events, and some pasta sauce, I got to spend a few hours with one of my hero’s in the faith.
Do you know that God orchestrates these kinds of things for your life, but you have to learn how to just go with them? I might have had several reasons as to why this would never work, my kids, the fact I had never canned sauce before, and I wasn’t sure how all of this would come together. However, it did.
Psalm 37:23 (ESV) The steps of a man are established by the LORD,
when he delights in his way;
Being led to walk in the path God has for requires a life willing to go with what may seem to be uncomfortable and different. It may seem like a bit of a challenge but God is always leading His children to divine appointments and connections. Even something as small as a jar of pasta sauce can lead to some amazing events. Don Nori Sr. left me with some awesome wisdom that I am still processing, and somehow I have the feeling some of what he said to me was prophetic in nature and I will have a greater understanding of it in the years to come. His words to me are still resonating in my spirit. For me this meeting was a divine connection, and I was honored to have experienced it.
Remember, God has awesome plans for your life. Get Excited.
***So if you are a Central OH person I just wanted to remind you that this is my Marion week! I will be at Celebration Christian Church’s book club Monday evening, filming a taped TV interview to air with COACB on Wed, A book signing at Hope Crossing in Marion from 1-4 on Saturday, and I will be preaching on June 24th at 6pm at Marion Christian Center. Hope to see y’all there!****
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