CBA Favor

The last several days have been intense and it would take too long for me to write everything down. However I’ll write another blog sometime this week on something else that happened at CBA. Most people don’t know what CBA is. It’s the Christian Retailers Association. I realize that doesn’t sound like a big deal to most people, but they have these big conventions and anyone who is anyone in Christian publishing and retailing show up. Which means under one roof was a mecca of people and publishers (Including my own). Many of them that I spent hours trying to get them to give me the time of day for my books, and to me this was like being a kid in a candy story. To say I was a bit overwhelmed was an understatement. My nonfiction is with Destiny, but I am still seeking prayerfully a home for my fiction. At first I wasn’t even sure if I would go to this event. I had several tell me I should and wasn’t sure if I’d even be in town. However a very dear friend of mine decided she would fly down for it and we decided to go together. She recently started a publishing company and it would be beneficial to both of us. On Saturday night she texts me telling me she wasn’t sure either of us would be able to get in. That she was told over the phone it may be too late because neither of us was registered. While I know these things are not public events I refused to believe that. We agreed to just show up and see what happened. When I filled out the application to get inside it appeared at first I may have to pay $175 just to get in. I wanted to sigh loudly. That wasn’t money I wanted to spend. However, once I waited my turn that wasn’t the case. Because I am a Destiny Image Author I got in for $20. After my friend got her paperwork straightened out, we took off meeting people and networking. While I had some situations that were a tad discouraging, I also had some amazing connections made. While I’m not going to go into detail yet at some of these situations, I was given the email addresses of some major publishing acquisitions editors and to people that aren’t normally given out. I got to speak personally with the people at one publishing company and already have several emails sent. I keep praying Rev 3:8 over the matter, that God opens the doors He wants to open. God had made it so clear to me time and time again I needed to be there. I believe for more and more fruit from this convention. We have to learn in life to stop thinking so small. I kept thinking this was something I wouldn’t benefit from, and God kept nudging me to go. It turned out I needed to be at this event. We can’t let our own thinking and ideas stop us from stepping into places of destiny that God has designed for us. We have to allow ourselves to be flexible with His spirit to move and to step where He is leading. You all know I speak this scripture often. Isaiah 30:21(NIV) Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it." I cannot emphasize enough how important it is in life to learn to just go with the flow of what God is doing. You don’t have to understand everything, or attempt to make sense of any of it. You just have to learn how to go with it and trust Him. You must always remember that He does have good plans for your life! Get excited!


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